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  1. Desslar

    What did you watch this week in classic TV on DVD(or Blu)?

    I like Burn Notice. I would say that the first episode is not very representative of the series, so it's worth hanging on for a few more to get the feel of it. The series really has two distinct phases: 1) Fun in the sun episodic 80s detective show - Seasons 1 to 4 (roughly) - I loved this...
  2. Desslar

    What did you watch this week in classic TV on DVD(or Blu)?

    I must admit I'm no expert on this series and have only seen the first couple seasons. So I defer to your knowledge. I was referring to the somewhat confusing Wikipedia entry. It makes the claim that less than half the episodes in any season had scenes shot in Texas, but I couldn't say if that...
  3. Desslar

    What did you watch this week in classic TV on DVD(or Blu)?

    That's true. However, as I understand it, they moved almost everything to LA about midway through the series, and recreated the family home there.
  4. Desslar

    What did you watch this week in classic TV on DVD(or Blu)?

    My favorite part of the episode is the 30 seconds they spent on the Sunset Strip. Wish they would get out and pound the pavement more often.
  5. Desslar

    What did you watch this week in classic TV on DVD(or Blu)?

    Well... yes, but that is a studiobound sitcom, so it would look the same no matter where they filmed it.
  6. Desslar

    What did you watch this week in classic TV on DVD(or Blu)?

    Yes, there were multiple series around that time filmed primarily in/around LA (but supposedly set in): Dallas (Dallas) Dukes of Hazzard (Georgia) Dynasty (Denver) Simon & Simon (San Diego) Hill Street Blues (Chicago, although setting is somewhat ambiguous) Scarecrow and Mrs. King (Washington DC)
  7. Desslar

    What did you watch this week in classic TV on DVD(or Blu)?

    At least the fauna in Hawaii looks vaguely similar to that of Florida. Beats Kojak trying to pass off LA as NYC.
  8. Desslar

    What did you watch this week in classic TV on DVD(or Blu)?

    Thanks for the insights! My uncle has a place in upstate New York so that would be interesting to see. I got the Decoy set recently but haven't gotten into it yet. I was sold by a couple episodes watched on Prime - at one point our hero walks around the then relatively new UN building, and I...
  9. Desslar

    What did you watch this week in classic TV on DVD(or Blu)?

    Miami Vice - Nice, looks like some good Miami Airport footage there. I flew into there a few times back then. What is the second location? An art gallery? That's one of the most sparsely decorated sets I've seen. Decoy - Interested in the subway station scene. About the lodge, is there any...
  10. Desslar

    What did you watch this week in classic TV on DVD(or Blu)?

    For a moment there, I thought there had been a Six Million Dollar Man/Streets of San Francisco crossover episode! What a concept! I imagined Douglas talking smack to Majors and getting thrown through a window, while Malden and Anderson tried to out-gruff each other. I nearly dove across the room...
  11. Desslar

    What did you watch this week in classic TV on DVD(or Blu)?

    Fingers crossed!! To be honest I also find the show to be largely fluff, but it gets by on Majors' charm and the occasional impressive stunt.
  12. Desslar

    What did you watch this week in classic TV on DVD(or Blu)?

    Yes, most network scifi shows were exercises in compromise. It's only been the last couple decades that competition from HBO/Netflix/etc. has brought about a consistently high level of quality with shows like The Orville. Not only Planet of the Apes and Logan's Run but also The Incredible Hulk...
  13. Desslar

    What did you watch this week in classic TV on DVD(or Blu)?

    Yeah, growing up I could never figure out why most network sci-fi shows in the 70s/80s/90s crashed and burned so quickly, despite the success of the Star Wars films suggesting great public interest in sci-fi. I guess the easy answer is budget limitations. It seemed the networks would spend...
  14. Desslar

    What did you watch this week in classic TV on DVD(or Blu)?

    I see what you mean. Concerning fantasy/scifi fare, I think the same type of show was still around in the 70s, but unlike the 60s was usually cancelled after one season or less. For example: UFO The Immortal Kolchak the Night Stalker The Invisible Man Star Maidens The Fantastic Journey The Man...
  15. Desslar

    What did you watch this week in classic TV on DVD(or Blu)?

    Thanks for the detailed overview. It's interesting that you peg 1968 as the end of the type of programming you enjoy, because for me it marks the start of a golden age of TV dramas. And by golden age, I mean various things, but most especially shooting on location, which I feel really enhances...
  16. Desslar

    What did you watch this week in classic TV on DVD(or Blu)?

    I’ve been meaning to pick this up on DVD. I think they were trying hard to follow the ‘89 Batman’s template, just done a little lighter for TV.
  17. Desslar

    What did you watch this week in classic TV on DVD(or Blu)?

    Especially first run syndicated series (other than Star Trek). Couldn't stand to watch dreck like Renegade, no matter how much I love Stephen J. Cannell's 70s/80s output.
  18. Desslar

    What did you watch this week in classic TV on DVD(or Blu)?

    That sounds hilarious. Borgnine does Death Wish?
  19. Desslar

    What did you watch this week in classic TV on DVD(or Blu)?

    It's a shame that Hart to Hart didn't air in the early 70s - Powers and Wagner would have been much more convincing as a sexy crimesolving couple then. Powers still looked good in the early 80s, but they didn't put her in bombshell outfits like those above, or give her much flirtatious dialogue...
  20. Desslar

    What did you watch this week in classic TV on DVD(or Blu)?

    I wish full music scores for 60s/70s/80s crime/detective shows would be released by someone. They're so relaxing to listen to as background music, reassuring you that no matter how challenging the day's problems may seem, Mannix or Rockford or Magnum will figure everything out in the end.
  21. Desslar

    What did you watch this week in classic TV on DVD(or Blu)?

    I just felt the performances and production were stronger on those shows. Cannon's all right, just wouldn't put it in the top tier of 70s crime shows.
  22. Desslar

    What did you watch this week in classic TV on DVD(or Blu)?

    I've only seen a few Cannon episodes (the experience not helped by the terrible picture quality on whichever retro channel is running it), and I thought it was OK, but somewhat low voltage compared to Columbo or Rockford Files.
  23. Desslar

    What did you watch this week in classic TV on DVD(or Blu)?

    Good to see some unknown stuntman on here! Always seemed anticlimactic to bring in other bunnies, when they already had Heather Thomas as a regular, and don't give her much screen time. That shot of Majors with the cigar in the hot tub is definitely peak Colt. Nice to have a change of scenery...
  24. Desslar

    What did you watch this week in classic TV on DVD(or Blu)?

    I do appreciate the link and am flattered by your interest in my two cents on Voyage to the Bottom of the Sea, but it may be a while before I get back to the series in my viewing rotation. Right now working through Dragnet ('51) and Northern Exposure. There's a bootleg collection of 77 Sunset...
  25. Desslar

    What did you watch this week in classic TV on DVD(or Blu)?

    Arrrggh... Based on my very limited viewing of this series (hard to find episodes online), I had gotten the impression that location shooting on this show was very minimal, and therefore I could strike it off my "to buy" list. But it sounds like I may need it after all... Also, did Robert...
  26. Desslar

    What did you watch this week in classic TV on DVD(or Blu)?

    Fair enough. I haven't seen that particular episode yet, but will give it a look if I come across it.
  27. Desslar

    What did you watch this week in classic TV on DVD(or Blu)?

    As usual, a far more entertaining telling than the source material I suspect.
  28. Desslar

    What did you watch this week in classic TV on DVD(or Blu)?

    Very cool! The Dukes episodes set in Covington/Atlanta are definitely the best of the series. The locations give the show a lot more personality. Also the Dukes knock-off The Misadventures of Sheriff Lobo was partly shot around Atlanta (not sure about Covington).
  29. Desslar

    What did you watch this week in classic TV on DVD(or Blu)?

    Thanks for the list! I will check out these titles. As Time Goes By is one of my mother's favorites, so I always assumed it must be rather gentle humor, but Geoffrey Palmer is great so it must have some funny bits.
  30. Desslar

    What did you watch this week in classic TV on DVD(or Blu)?

    Thanks Jeff! I've heard of about half of those. Will have to check out more of them. I guess I was thinking not so much of shows like Blackadder, which I think are globally popular, and more of shows like The Good Life, which I would never have heard of if I didn't see a Spitting Image sketch...