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  1. TJPC

    What did you watch this week in classic TV on DVD(or Blu)?

    Should we print these for our own flip book?!
  2. TJPC

    What did you watch this week in classic TV on DVD(or Blu)?

    :wacko: Sorry! I see the above is in the wrong section. Moderators are welcome to delete or move it!
  3. TJPC

    What did you watch this week in classic TV on DVD(or Blu)?

    I gust watched "Mystery of The Wax Museum" first by itself and then twice more with commentaries. The colour and restoration are astonishing, and the extras are interesting. Both commentaries are interesting, but basically cover the same points.
  4. TJPC

    What did you watch this week in classic TV on DVD(or Blu)?

    What about the hair cuts and facial hair?!
  5. TJPC

    What did you watch this week in classic TV on DVD(or Blu)?

    I am working through the “I Love Lucy” in colour set. They have just about all the most famous episodes here. What struck me was how I absolutely remember every detail of these as I watched each one, although it is decades since I last saw them. I was also struck by the fact that after a few...
  6. TJPC

    What did you watch this week in classic TV on DVD(or Blu)?

    I guess you didn’t live through the 1 TV in the tiny house years!
  7. TJPC

    What did you watch this week in classic TV on DVD(or Blu)?

    I wonder if it has to do with living through that era, but the idea of sitting down and forcing myself to watch dramas from the ‘60s to today is foreign to me. Most of the ones mentioned in this thread are either things my parents blared downstairs while I was upstairs trying to write papers for...
  8. TJPC

    What did you watch this week in classic TV on DVD(or Blu)?

    Is there any information on “Your Show of Shows”? I may be dreaming it, but I thought someone was working on releasing the complete series.
  9. TJPC

    What did you watch this week in classic TV on DVD(or Blu)?

    Still working my way through the 10,000 episodes of “Green Acres”!