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  1. Dick

    Looney Tunes BD Platinum 1-3 compared to DVD Golden Collection 1-6?

    But many of these cartoons have been restored -- they're on the Blu-ray Platinum editions. Plus many not yet released to Blu-ray have almost certainly been scanned in HD. They could attach these cost-free to their DCP theatrical releases. How is that a financial issue? Rob is right -- doing this...
  2. Dick

    Looney Tunes BD Platinum 1-3 compared to DVD Golden Collection 1-6?

    Great idea! I would love to see that Looney Tunes rainbow circle filling a big screen again, ahead of the main feature. That might even be enough incentive for me to attend movies I'm on the fence about.
  3. Dick

    Looney Tunes BD Platinum 1-3 compared to DVD Golden Collection 1-6?

    I would rue the day when Bugs Bunny, Tweety and Sylvester, Roadrunner, Daffy Duck and Porky Pig do not register at all with our children. What a sad state of affairs that would be. Do your kids know these characters, or are they already lost except to us in the older generations?
  4. Dick

    Looney Tunes BD Platinum 1-3 compared to DVD Golden Collection 1-6?

    Now that I see the image behind the title, I might just change my mind and buy this...
  5. Dick

    Looney Tunes BD Platinum 1-3 compared to DVD Golden Collection 1-6?

    Damn, Peter -- you ruined my whole analogy to the Looney Tunes sets! Guess I was wrong about CURSE -- it's the only one of the series I don't care to own -- and I was sure it had dropped another feature from the first and second films. Anyway, thanks...for ruining my entire analogy. ;)
  6. Dick

    Looney Tunes BD Platinum 1-3 compared to DVD Golden Collection 1-6?

    I guess I wasn't clear. BUCCANEER BUNNY is on Volume 1 of the Platinum series, and is Blu-ray. It was omitted (or, rather, just not included) on any of the six earlier DVD sets. Interestingly (for me, at least), there is a parallel between the three Blu releases and the three FLY movies of the...
  7. Dick

    Looney Tunes BD Platinum 1-3 compared to DVD Golden Collection 1-6?

    Both. Bugs does a quick impression of Captain Bligh to intimidate Yosemite Sam into running ragged with commands on the ship. Later, he also blithely tosses lit matches down into the hold while Sam races to put them out in time. It's a gem.
  8. Dick

    Looney Tunes BD Platinum 1-3 compared to DVD Golden Collection 1-6?

    STILL waiting for more Tex Avery on Blu...
  9. Dick

    Looney Tunes BD Platinum 1-3 compared to DVD Golden Collection 1-6?

    Sorry, Ron -- that was a flubbed post. I was going to say that a large number of cartoons scattered among the 6 DVD sets never did show up on the Platinum sets. The good news is that a small bunch on the Platinums are new to disc (among them one of my favorites, BUCCANEER BUNNY). I suspect that...