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  1. Jason_V

    Looney Tunes BD Platinum 1-3 compared to DVD Golden Collection 1-6?

    I glanced at my Volume 1 from BB on Friday night, Ron. It is a Digibook.
  2. Jason_V

    Looney Tunes BD Platinum 1-3 compared to DVD Golden Collection 1-6?

    I have a whole list of things I want to order tomorrow (hey, it's payday). My expectation is to pick up a good number of them in store at BBY over the weekend..and then not watch them for three years. :mellow:
  3. Jason_V

    Looney Tunes BD Platinum 1-3 compared to DVD Golden Collection 1-6?

    We must be sharing a brain, Ron. I have the exact same reaction. With Volume 1 at $14.99, I'm picking that up tomorrow. The other two are likely to follow fairly quickly.