Recent content by Adam_Reiter

  1. Adam_Reiter

    Spider-Man Deluxe Edition & Spider-Man Superbit

    I have both the 3 disk and the SuperBit on the way. They should arrive today. I also have the original. I can't wait to see the difference. Hopefully my money wasnt totally wasted on the SuperBit.
  2. Adam_Reiter

    DVD Review HTF REVIEW: The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King

    Not their rule, MY RULE. Anyways, I never heard any complaints about my reviews... that is until I was let go. My movie portions slacked off over time due to not having much time to do them. I tried to compensate with more screen shots. Apparently that didnt work so well. So maybe you'll be...
  3. Adam_Reiter

    DVD Review HTF REVIEW: The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King

    Well, that may be fine and dandy for you Adam, but there are other people that dont pay much attention to the movie review portion. Maybe my reviews didn't do it for you, but I am sure they did for other people. I think more people appreciated the effort of my screen shots to emphasize video...
  4. Adam_Reiter

    DVD Review HTF REVIEW: The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King

    I'm not sure why anyone cares about the movie review on a DVD review anyway. If you really wanted the movie review, would you not go to a site of a professional reviewer, who does that as his living? Us DVD reviewers are all amateurs. We don't make our living critiquing movies. My whole...
  5. Adam_Reiter

    DVD Review HTF REVIEW: Around the World in 80 Days (HIGHLY RECOMMENDED) (with screenshots)

    Great review Patrick! That was quite an effort put into that. It must have taken forever to get it all down! You seemed to be a perfect fit considering you are such an obvious HUGE fan of the film with extensive knowledge about it. No doubt that helps a lot!
  6. Adam_Reiter

    DVD Review HTF REVIEW: "Welcome to Mooseport" (with screenshots)

    I would have to aggree, Tony. I like Ray Romano in things OTHER than his TV show.
  7. Adam_Reiter

    DVD Review HTF REVIEW: "In America" (with screenshots): HIGHLY, HIGHLY RECOMMENDED!

    Yeah, I looked it up and confirmed it, the two girls are real life sisters. This is definately why they worked so well together and were so believable in the film. ps: you are not a moron ;)
  8. Adam_Reiter

    DVD Review HTF REVIEW: "In America" (with screenshots): HIGHLY, HIGHLY RECOMMENDED!

    I believe the two girls are actually sisters in real life.
  9. Adam_Reiter

    DVD Review HTF REVIEW: "Welcome to Mooseport" (with screenshots)

    This may be one of the great examples of one man's trash, is another man's treasure. :) Although, you can't argue that the transfer to DVD was done splendidly, which is really what the DVD reviews are after.
  10. Adam_Reiter

    DVD Review HTF REVIEW: "Welcome to Mooseport" (with screenshots)

    Clayton, the TDAT trailer is nothing special. It is the same one on Stuck on You DVD. It is more of a "teaser trailer" as the trailer on their TDAT website is much more involved.
  11. Adam_Reiter

    DVD Review HTF REVIEW: "Welcome to Mooseport" (with screenshots)

    See guys? I told ya! You can't get better backup than Ron. :)
  12. Adam_Reiter

    DVD Review HTF REVIEW: "Welcome to Mooseport" (with screenshots)

    Welcome to Mooseport
  13. Adam_Reiter

    HTF REVIEW: "Club Dread" (with screenshots)

    Club Dread
  14. Adam_Reiter

    DVD Review HTF REVIEW: "Stuck On You" (with screenshots)

    Understood! If I didn't allready have my copy, It would have to go further down on my list. The DVD is not nessisarily a MUST HAVE for me, but definitly a HAVE! :)
  15. Adam_Reiter

    DVD Review HTF REVIEW: "Stuck On You" (with screenshots)

    Stuck On You