Recent content by EricW

  1. EricW

    2012 - 2013 MLB Hot Stove

    just curious if anyone knows hoe this aspect of baseball works: if a team (like the Yankees) make multiple qualifying offers, and they all get rejected, do they then get multiple sandwich picks in the draft? it sounds logical but i wanted to make sure.
  2. EricW

    Prometheus (2012)

    did we? didn't one of the many engineer skeletons have a chest burst? also do we have any indication whether the original incidents on LV426 (Jockey with a chest burst right at the space gun) happened before or after this movie?
  3. EricW

    Prometheus (2012)

    btw at the beginning of the movie when Prometheus landed on LV 223, was there only one "giant igloo" or were there a string of them? i was almost sure that there was only one. however if you go to apple trailers and watch the clip of them landing, you can see a long line of them...
  4. EricW

    Prometheus (2012)

    i don't know if this has been mentioned before, but how about the tired cliche of the space crew waking up from hyper-sleep and one of the members meeting another FOR THE FIRST TIME?!?!? really? a trillion dollar expedition with 17 people, and there are some who haven't even met yet? :) even...
  5. EricW

    Community: Season 3 thread

    if Harmon thought that a job was more important than a soapbox he wouldn't be in this situation in the first place :P
  6. EricW

    Justice League of America...Hopefully Warner will get the idea.

    wow i can't believe so many people think Nolan's Batman would be consistent with a JLA movie. but everyone's entitled to their opinion. i agree with the others who think the Nolan Gotham universe is just too realistic. i mean, the stuff that takes place in Batman Begins would seem out of...
  7. EricW

    2012 Box Office

    . deleted - wrong thread :P
  8. EricW

    The Avengers (2012)

    if you bring him back (which would be cheesy), you really can't kill him again :P
  9. EricW

    2012 Box Office

    answer: "over Christopher Nolan's dead body" question: "with the Avenger's record breaking opening, is there any chance of a Justice League movie?"
  10. EricW

    The Avengers (2012)

    now that it's been excised, it would probably be better for Cap 2 than the blu/DVD supplement section.
  11. EricW

    The Avengers (2012)

    i think that waitress was among the people who were being terrorized by aliens in the scene where Cap gets thrown out the window (and onto the roof of the car) when the alien exploded
  12. EricW

    The Avengers (2012)

    thanks JonZ;
  13. EricW

    The Avengers (2012)

    movie was very enjoyable. i actually did chuckle in a few scenes, which is surprising since super hero movie humour can pretty difficult to pull off (is anyone looking forward to Spdier-Man's one-liners?) i don't know if i'd say that the actions scenes in this movie were especially good; but...
  14. EricW

    2012 Box Office

    i have a bet with a co-worker over which movie would open bigger; i picked Avengers, he picked Hunger Games. this bet was made about 2 weeks before the HG opening, so i initially thought i was pretty safe. then HG fulfulled/surpassed expectations, so i was worried. but it should be close...
  15. EricW

    2012 Box Office

    any industry projections on Avengers domestic?