Recent content by octobercountry

  1. octobercountry

    UHD Review A Few Words About A few words about...™ - Paint Your Wagon -- in 4k UHD

    There's been speculation that the Thoroughly Modern Millie stereo tracks for the overture and exit music were destroyed in the 2008 Universal Studios fire. However---why not just use the recordings from the DVD transfer? They sound just fine---why revert to mono for the blu release? It...
  2. octobercountry

    A Few Words About A few words about...™ Invasion of the Body Snatchers (1956) -- in Blu-ray

    "....The 1.85:1 elements we scanned is the same one Paramount had scanned in the past to create the 2.00:1 masters used in the Olive releases...." Heh, and now I'm even more confused. I was under the impression that an 1.85 version could not be created because no pre-cropped-for-superscope...
  3. octobercountry

    A Few Words About A few words about...™ Invasion of the Body Snatchers (1956) -- in Blu-ray

    Over on another forum, it was stated that Frank Tarzi said (in an interview with "Cereal at Midnight") that the original negative still exists, but is in terrible shape and that the restoration would be expensive. My understanding was that the Superscope 2:1 aspect ratio was baked into the...
  4. octobercountry

    A Few Words About A few words about...™ Invasion of the Body Snatchers (1956) -- in Blu-ray

    Apparently the original negative has finally been located and Kino is releasing a version at 1.85, taken from a new scan? If that is truly the case, this will be the first time anyone has EVER gotten to see this film in higher quality, since it was originally shot.
  5. octobercountry

    Blu-ray Review A Few Words About A few words about…™ Ziegfeld Follies – in Blu-ray

    I appreciate the extras on this disc as well, including the audio tracks for many of the cut numbers. But I'm really surprised that a major extra was not included here---I can't imagine why they didn't show the original opening of the film, featuring the Leo the Lion and Flo Ziegfeld puppets...
  6. octobercountry

    Blu-ray Review A Few Words About A few words about…™ Ziegfeld Follies – in Blu-ray

    Well, I've finally gotten around to watching the blu-ray of Ziegfeld Follies (only two-and-a-half years after the disc was first released...). Wow, I'm impressed---excellent picture and sound; couldn't be better. I love the true-stereo sound mix---it's so cool to hear films of this vintage in...
  7. octobercountry

    A Few Words About A few words about…™ The Wizard of Oz — in 4k UHD Blu-ray

    Mystery solved! The UK nitrate print of “Oz” was run again at the Dryden last night---to a sold-out crowd, no less. And my friend in attendance took particular note of the lion’s introductory song, to see if it really was in fact different than the version with which we are all familiar. What...
  8. octobercountry

    Pre-Order South Pacific (1958) 65th Anniversary Edition (Blu-ray) Available for Preorder

    That's true in part---Doris Day's husband (and agent) Marty Melcher priced her out of the role, by demanding a very high salary. But in addition to that---everyone associated with the film absolutely HATED Melcher, and would not work with him. And with Day, it was a package deal---if you hired...
  9. octobercountry

    Blu-ray Review A Few Words About A few words about...™ - Dance Fools, Dance -- in Blu-ray

    Sounds great! It's not a well-known film, but I'm looking forward to getting this one.
  10. octobercountry

    A Few Words About A few words about...™ It's a Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad World -- in Blu-ray

    That's puzzling---why wouldn't they all have the same dress and same hat?
  11. octobercountry

    Super Deluxe Edition of The Sound of Music Soundtrack is Coming 12-01-23

    I can't imagine that there's four CD's worth of material there---what on earth is it all? But yeah, I'm in I guess. I've always had a soft spot for this film---it's the very first picture I saw in the cinema, right at the end of its initial theatrical run.....
  12. octobercountry

    UHD Review A Few Words About A few words about...™ - Night of the Demons -- in 4k UHD

    Oh, it's ridiculous---EVERY SINGLE TIME I hear of this film I immediately think of the older picture and think the discussion is going to be about that one. I'm always confused. Heh....
  13. octobercountry

    Question about "Theater of Blood" Blu-ray releases

    Picture quality of Arrow, Kino, and Twilight Time would appear to be identical, according to caps-a-holic. So, only difference would be between the extras---for instance, each of these discs has an exclusive commentary---a fan would have to buy all three to hear all the available commentary tracks.
  14. octobercountry

    Blu-ray Review A Few Words About While we wait for A few words about…™ The Johnstown Flood - in Blu-ray

    I've made my pre-order at Amazon, just so I don't forget to order when release day rolls around.. I've been to the flood museum at the dam site several times over the years, and poked around St. Michael, looking for the remaining holiday cottages that stood along the shoreline of the lake. The...
  15. octobercountry

    Are people still blind buying physical media ?

    I don't do streaming at all---we have terrible internet service in this rural area. So I have no problem blind buying a large percentage of my blu-rays---- though I wait for sales from labels like Kino, Shout, Powerhouse, etc. And I've been pretty happy with the majority of my purchases