Recent content by quantumsnoga

  1. quantumsnoga

    Time Capsule Movies

    If you include Wall Street, you ought to include the docudrama The Big Short, about the 2007-2009 real estate collapse.
  2. quantumsnoga

    Time Capsule Movies

    And its "partner in crime" - Urban Cowboy.
  3. quantumsnoga

    Time Capsule Movies

    Exactly what i was talking about. I watched it last night for the first time. A great suburbia snapshot for the early '60s. You could almost see a couple from Paradise Village taking a weekend trip to the Vegas of the original Ocean's 11, and then back again to pick up the kids from grandma and...
  4. quantumsnoga

    Time Capsule Movies

    Thanks for all the suggestions. Many I have, but many I don't. While not movies, the TravelTime shorts are great time capsules, even (or especially!) the US ones. I think I'll add Weekend In Havana, and for a more modern time capsule Blake Edward's S.O.B. (a parody of "modern" (post golden era...
  5. quantumsnoga

    Time Capsule Movies

    I would like to taps the combined knowledge of movies here at HTF. Some movies may not be great movies, but they act as a "time capsule" of a particular place and time. I am not talking about historical movies, but those made then and there. Let me give you a few examples. The original Ocean's...
  6. quantumsnoga

    How many times do you watch a TV series you have bought on DVD/Blu-ray?

    For those who feel they don't have time to load discs into plex (or otherwise rip them), did you ever consider using your sleeping time? Kick off the load just before you go to bed, and check it out in the morning? One ought to be able to load 300 discs a year without spending much time. . .
  7. quantumsnoga

    Blu-ray Review Father’s Little Dividend Blu-ray Review

    Robert, there is no such thing as a PD thief - by definition. Public Domain means free to all. Frankly, I consider copyright extension for existing work to every bit a much "PD thieves" as the ripping you mention. Only that was the studios that was preying off the Public. In 15 years, every US...
  8. quantumsnoga

    What Forgotten Films do you want on Blu ray or 4K?

    Here's an obscure movie for you last released on LaserDisc! Saving Grace (1985) with Tom Conti. A gentle movie about losing and regaining faith. Politically incorrect in this day and age. With Fox gobled by Disney, it will never happen, but a Blu-Ray with OAR of Down Periscope (1996).
  9. quantumsnoga

    Would Killing DVD Improve Blu-ray and 4K UHD’s Fortunes?

    I'm describing that majority of people for whom video is only a modest part of their lives, not an overwhelming passion. Those that haven't converted to streaming. They may have a collection of DVDs over time. They see no reason to buy them over and over and higher and higher levels of...
  10. quantumsnoga

    Would Killing DVD Improve Blu-ray and 4K UHD’s Fortunes?

    I'm going to play "Devil's Advocate". I started to build my DVD library in 1998. By 2011, it was over 1500 discs. (Now over 2500 discs DVD/Blu-ray) Is a better picture worth taking those DVDs (costing roughly somewhere between $15,000 and $20,000) rolling them into a ball, and pitching them out...
  11. quantumsnoga

    Blu-ray Review A Few Words About A few words about…™ The Hallelujah Trail (Redux) – in Blu-ray

    I will come to the defense of Hallelujah Trail. First off, it is not a standard comedy - it is a satire. It is not a string of jokes attached to a light drama plot. Nor is it a serious drama. A satire is a deliberately constructed failure of a view. The "humor" is in watching the destruction...
  12. quantumsnoga

    Which Single Movie Of Your Collection Gets The Most Long Term Replay ?

    My go-to movie (which I watch every New Year's eve) is the original Ocean's 11. It is the perfect time capsule of an era. Even money says somebody got away with the money. (Anyone want to guess who?)
  13. quantumsnoga

    Is Blu-ray at death's door? Innovative 1TB optical disc could be the future of physical media

    You can already buy a 1 TB micro sd chip. It weighs 1/10 ounce, and is smaller that my little fingernail. Now it costs 40 times the proposed new disc, but is vastly more portable and easier to store. (A playback device is readily available for $50 or less, and a holder for 10 micro sd chips is...
  14. quantumsnoga

    Do your family/friends share your love for classic TV on DVD/ota?

    TV shows on DVD/Blu-ray are an entirely different experience to me. Without the commercials, they change their perspective. No longer an interrupted block of vignettes, but a miniature movie. I just can't go back to OTA TV. Until recently, if I thought a show looked of interest, I'd buy a...
  15. quantumsnoga

    What are your ten favorite TV shows of all time?

    Ones that nobody else has mentioned. 'Allo 'Allo (I will say this only once.) Burke's Law Deep Space 9 Yes Minister/Prime Minister Batman (Adam West - I love the sheer campiness.) Up Pompeii (The Prolog) The other 4 that have been mentioned. The Avengers (all the seasons, including the...