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  1. Richard Stammer

    UHD Review A Few Words About A few words about...™ - The Abyss -- in 4k UHD

    Thanks for everyone's input. I have a question - WHY is this release up to $99.99 on Amazon? Availability issues? Thanks for any insight.
  2. Richard Stammer

    Marlowe (2023)

    Let's face it, this screams, CHINATOWN! Regarding marketing for older people, absolutely! I was 25 years old when Chinatown was released. I'm now 73. I'll be there for this and look forward to it. But, it has big shoes to fill. I just hope that there is more than just 90 minutes of...
  3. Richard Stammer

    Dune (1984)

    Thanks so much. I had no idea that it had migrated to YouTube. looks good so far.
  4. Richard Stammer

    Dune (1984)

    In regards to my comments on the "Spicediver" fan edit on the recent Koch release, it appears to be a 720p upres of the 480p Spicediver edit. It is very watchable, but certainly can't compare to the official blu-ray releases. But, the additional scenes properly integrated into the movie make...
  5. Richard Stammer

    Dune (1984)

    I'm surprised that no one has mentioned this new, massive version of Lynch's DUNE from Koch Films that was just recently released: Koch won't ship this to the States, but as I'm...
  6. Richard Stammer

    Blu-ray Review A Few Words About While we wait for A few words about...™ Invaders from Mars - in 4k UHD & Blu-ray

    Thank you so much. Sooo, do the music stems exist somewhere and with this restoration would there be any chance for a true soundtrack album apart from whatever currently exists which is lifted from the movie itself? A true soundtrack album has been a lifelong dream of mine as I was one of the...
  7. Richard Stammer

    UHD Review Star Trek: The Original 4 Movie Collection UHD Review

    I experienced the same thing. I was able to snag the last copy they had from a Best Buy in the next town over from me and will pick it up tomorrow. I cancelled the Amazon order.
  8. Richard Stammer

    A Few Words About A few words about…™ Star Wars: A New Hope — in 4k UHD Blu-ray

    Went off the Lucas reservation a long time ago. My collection looks like the one above. I have my Harmy and Silver Screen versions of the OT to keep me happy. Even 4K of the Special Editions is not enough to get me back in.
  9. Richard Stammer

    Blu-ray Review Dead of Night (1945) Blu-ray Review

    I just received the new Region A Blu-Ray release with Tim Lucas' commentary. I purchased it primarily for Lucas' commentary and am glad to have it. However, in my opinion it is not as pleasurable a viewing experience as the UK Region B Blu-Ray release that came out, I believe, in 2014. This...
  10. Richard Stammer

    Anyone join the DISNEY MOVIE CLUB?

    I HAD to join this stupid club to get a copy of RETURN TO OZ in Blu-Ray. Just fulfilled my obligation and probably won't buy anymore titles until Disney gets off its ass and releases more live-action stuff, particularly in Blu-Ray. I've given up on them releasing more classic short animation...
  11. Richard Stammer

    A Few Words About A few words about...™ 2001: A Space Odyssey -- in BD & HD

    I saw 2001 in Cinerama at the Uptown Theater in Washington D.C. in 1968. My first viewing was cancelled as DC went up in flames following the assination of MLK. But, it was nonetheless a transformative experience for this 19 year old. I was fortunate to have been able to see it at the same...
  12. Richard Stammer

    "The Alamo"s Status?

    This release will do fans of Ted Turner's early colonization process proud.
  13. Richard Stammer

    A Few Words About A few words about...™ Sherlock Holmes: The Complete Granada TV Series -- in Blu-ray

    William,Terrific! Thanks William. I've sent you a request.Richard
  14. Richard Stammer

    "The Alamo"s Status?

    Just got back to Florida from New Zealand after 8 months away. After living over there with this thread the whole time, I immediately dug out my road show laserdisc and created 2 DL DVDs. They look pretty good - not DVD quality, but very watchable on my Pioneer Elite 60" plasma. It will have to...
  15. Richard Stammer

    A Few Words About A few words about...™ Sherlock Holmes: The Complete Granada TV Series -- in Blu-ray

    Yes, I'm an old fart too - just reached Medicare age (65). Hearing is not the issue for me. Sometimes I just find that actors mumble or speak too fast. I have problems with American dialects and talking as well. I don't have this problem with classic movies from the 30's - 50's. I think the...
  16. Richard Stammer

    A Few Words About A few words about...™ Sherlock Holmes: The Complete Granada TV Series -- in Blu-ray

    Unless I missed it, no one has mentioned what to me is the MAIN reason to get the Region 1 set - there ARE English subtitles. Not being British, I sometimes have trouble understanding British dialect. The only subtitles on the Spanish set are in Spanish. I know, I have sprung for both sets.
  17. Richard Stammer

    Alfred Hitchcock films available on blu-ray

    Based on everyone's Lifeboat comments, I just yesterday walked down to the JB's Hi-Fi shop on Willis St. in Wellington NZ and got it for $19.00. Taking it back to Sarasota U.S.A. with me when I leave on 08/26.
  18. Richard Stammer

    TCM/Sony: The Lady From Shanghai (Blu-ray/DVD combo)

    No David, I couldn't see Beauty and the Beast. I'll have to be content with my Criterion Blu-Ray. That movie is very sentimental to me as I took my late wife to see it in Manhatten on our honeymoon in 1973. Very romantic. Anyway, glad we linked up to get together this Thursday.
  19. Richard Stammer

    TCM/Sony: The Lady From Shanghai (Blu-ray/DVD combo)

    Thanks David. You've helped me resolve getting this BD. Also, pretty cool that you saw Lady at NZIFF. So did I last week at the 2:00 pm afternoon show. I'm from Florida living in Wellington until August 26 when my wife and I return home. Looks like HTF members are indeed all over. I LOVE NZ.
  20. Richard Stammer

    Rathbone Holmes Blu uses unrestored prints?

    You know, it's so darn cheap from Amazon Spain, that I may get it anyway. Wish DVD Beaver would review.
  21. Richard Stammer

    "The Alamo"s Status?

    The heart wants what it wants. Ah, what could have been. "Alas, Dear Yorik, I knew thee well."
  22. Richard Stammer

    TCM/Sony: The Lady From Shanghai (Blu-ray/DVD combo)

    You know, it's really a shame that a movie of this vintage is released without subtitles on the Blu-Ray, considering that many fans of this movie would be older citizens who may have hearing problems and would benefit from subtitles. Also, although I have no idea about the origins of the...
  23. Richard Stammer

    "The Alamo"s Status?

    Oh, I always hope for the best, but prepare for the worst. Unfortunately, in our so-called "ownership" society, corporations like MGM own much of our cinematic art and can do, or not do, whatever they want with them, with impunity, with no hesitation, and with the support of our laws. The Alamo...
  24. Richard Stammer

    "The Alamo"s Status?

    On a positive note (yeah, I'm trying), before home video, before VHS, Laserdisc, DVD, and now, Blu-Ray, we all watched movies on TV chopped up for commercials, chopped down to Pan and Scan, edited for objectionable content, and in even the earlier TV days, color movies on tiny b/w tube...
  25. Richard Stammer

    My Latest Lobby for Blu-ray Release: Hammer's 1959 HOUND OF THE BASKERVILLES

    I'm temporarily in New Zealand and picked up a copy earlier this month. I agree completely with bgart13's review. Fabulous transfer. A region free Blu-Ray player is inexpendable for me.
  26. Richard Stammer

    "The Alamo"s Status?

    The first thing I'm doing when I get home to Florida in September after eight months in New Zealand is watch my roadshow The Alamo and then transfer it to two DL DVDs.
  27. Richard Stammer

    "The Alamo"s Status?

    It do!