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  1. Drew Reiber

    New HDTV owner, hardware buy questions

    Hey everybody. I'm a longtime software forum poster, but this is really my first foray into this area (both the forum and as a consumer. I just bought a Samsung LNT4069FX 40" 1080p 120Hz LCD HDTV and I'm seriously considering making HD-DVD/Blu-ray my next purchase. I've read a bit about...
  2. Drew Reiber

    Is there still a Warner chat?

    I thought there was a Warner Chat coming up on HTF. Was I mistaken? Sorry if I missed something.
  3. Drew Reiber

    Terence Malick Special Editions?

    With the upcoming release of Terence Malick's The New World for New Line (November 2005), does anyone know if/when/how there might be plans for special editions of Warner's Badlands, Paramount's Days of Heaven and/or Fox's The Thin Red Line which are all currently bare bones? Thanks.
  4. Drew Reiber

    Blue Underground/William Lustig interview up at

    Hey everyone. I finally got an interview online that I did with Blue Underground's William Lustig, DVD producer and filmmaker. I'm sorry about the bad edit job, it's my fault due to my miscommunication with the editors. Hopefully it will look nicer soon, but in the meantime I hope you enjoy it...
  5. Drew Reiber

    When is MGM going to step up their DVD efforts?

    Now that Sony has bought up MGM, are they going to step up their efforts on the DVD front? It seems only the more obvious titles are being announced for 2005 (more Leone, Hoosiers: SE, new additions of Get Shorty and Spaceballs for the sequels, etc.). What about the less mainstream titles...
  6. Drew Reiber

    Sergio Corbucci's "The Mercenary" aka "A Professional Gun" DVD review/questions

    Hey, everybody. I'm going to make a desperate plea here regarding what appears to be a forgotten classic. But before that, a warning/review of the current disc and a little backstory. Thanks to the great Spaghetti Western box sets offered by Anchor Bay and Blue Underground, I've had the...
  7. Drew Reiber

    Scorsese's "New York, New York"... any word? (MERGED THREAD)

    Hey, all. I've got a good friend who really wants to see this movie re-released (even though I friggin' hate it). As a favor a bunch of my friends and I were planning to get it for him when the new Scorsese set came out, but it's not included in any of the release plans. Any idea what's going on...
  8. Drew Reiber

    Question to anyone with Image's The Trial (Welles) and/or Red Desert (Antonioni)

    There is some speculation that Criterion's development of Milestone's Woman in the Dunes for DVD release might be a sign that others are coming. I was wondering if the out-of-print Image Entertainment DVD releases of Orson Welles' The Trial and Michelangelo Antonioni's Red Desert were also...
  9. Drew Reiber

    Critical problems with Waxwork DVD transfer. It shakes!

    Has anyone else here on the forum bought a copy of Artisan's Waxwork/Waxwork II: Lost in Time DVD? For some reason, the Waxwork transfer on the release shakes throughout the entire film. Not all over the place shakes, but unwatchable "quaking" where it rocks back and forth slightly, quickly and...
  10. Drew Reiber

    Blue Underground announces release plans through May 2004

    Fangoria did an article on their upcoming release plans through May 2004: The new releases include: April 27 David Cronenberg's "Fast Company", in one and two disc sets. Presumably the two disc will be a limited edition, which contains...