Search results

  1. jim1174

    Samsung q850d sound bar has no sound

    I have an lg c4 tv and just hooked up the HW-q850d. The receiver and subwoofer have a solid blue light but I can only get sound from the sound bar. Any suggestions on how to get sound from the two back speakers and sub? Do I need to download an app?
  2. jim1174

    War of the worlds 4k is imprint better than paramount?

    I own the paramount 4k release and wanted to know if the picture or sound quality is any better on the imprint steelbook ?
  3. jim1174

    Did you buy the Alfred Hitchcock box set

    Just wondering if you purchased the box set or bought them separately. I am interested in getting them and i have heard people complain about the box set because it has the cardboard sleeves.
  4. jim1174

    What is the best version of Lord of the ring’s

    I own the old extended Blu-ray Discs that come in the box that opens like a book. I know there is the 4k extended edition and a 2021 Blu-ray remaster. I have heard there are supposedly problems with the picture quality of the 4k. So What do most fans consider to be the best physical media...
  5. jim1174

    Charlie Chaplin short films

    Has Charlie Chaplins short films ever been released on a box set Blu-ray in the United States ?
  6. jim1174

    Best soundbar?

    What do you think is the best soundbar around $500 or less
  7. jim1174

    Any difference between the 4k Spider-Man movies ?

    I own the two Spider-Man 4k digi book sets. I was considering selling them and getting the new 4k sets because the packaging is better. I’s there any difference between the new release and digi book ?
  8. jim1174

    Where do you get your poster frames

    I have some nice 20 x 40 posters I want to frame and I need to buy some frames for them.
  9. jim1174

    Buster Keatons talking films

    We’re any of Busters talking films any good and worth watching ?
  10. jim1174

    Any of you own the buster Keaton kino Blu-rays ?

    I am thinking of buying some but can’t decide if I should get the lobster or the Cohen ones. What do you recommend?
  11. jim1174

    What is the best star trek movie collection

    First do you think Paramount will ever release a 4k of the original 6 movies? I was looking on best buy and noticed they had a few movie collections on Blu ray like the stardate collection and the celebrate the 50th 6 disc collection. Are all these collections the same movies with the same...
  12. jim1174

    Snow White deleted scenes?

    What about the diamond edition Blu-ray? Does it have all the extras from the dvd ?
  13. jim1174

    Snow White deleted scenes?

    Do any of the Blu-ray or dvds of this movie have the deleted scenes?
  14. jim1174

    Does a Christmas story come with lossless audio

    Is the steelbook worth the extra money for the loosless audio?
  15. jim1174

    Does a Christmas story come with lossless audio

    I know the steel book has loosless audio but does the non steel book also have it ?
  16. jim1174

    What version of The Natural do you prefer

    What cut of the movie do you Think is The best theatrical or directors cut ?
  17. jim1174

    What pirates movie had the ride ?

    One of the pirates of the Caribbean movies has video of the original ride at Disneyland. Which movie has this? Is it on the Blu ray or just the dvd?
  18. jim1174

    Song of the South

    I still remember Seeing this back in the 80’s in the theater when I was a kid. It was edited of course.
  19. jim1174

    Should I get 4K or blu ray Watchmen

    Is the blu ray that comes with the 4K the same master as the 2009?
  20. jim1174

    Song of the South

    I can go and buy the original Birth of a nation on Blu-ray but I can’t even get this movie on Dvd.
  21. jim1174

    Should I get 4K or blu ray Watchmen

    First let me say I don’t own a 4K player. I would like to get this movie but can’t decide if I should get the 4K with blu ray or the 2009 directors cut blu ray. Which would you recommend ?
  22. jim1174

    Which Christmas carol movie is the most faithful to the book ?

    Of all the movies that have been made for theater and made for TV which one is the most faithful to the book ?
  23. jim1174

    What is the best way to purchase the matrix movies ?

    What is the best way to purchase the matrix movies on blu ray ? I noticed there is a 7 disk set from 2008 and an anniversary disc and a few others.
  24. jim1174

    Do any of you own the Aussie blu ray of last of the Mohicans?

    I can’t decide if I should get the 2010 for $5.99 or pay $20 for the Aussie version that has the theatrical version that isn’t so dark.
  25. jim1174

    Do any of you own the Aussie blu ray of last of the Mohicans?

    if you own this which version do you prefer to watch the theatrical release or the directors cut?
  26. jim1174

    What brand would you recommend

    I have a denon which is from 2001 and I want to get a new receiver. Are any of the other brands better than denon? I want to spend 500 or less.
  27. jim1174

    Do any of you not put the speaker wires in the wall

    I know that most people put their speaker wires through the wall. If you,don't do this what method do you use to hide the speaker wires and keep every thing looking nice ?
  28. jim1174

    Best LD player

    I want to get my first laser disc player. Which brand and model would you says is the best ? I live in the United States.
  29. jim1174

    Best 80's big box

    What do you think is the best 80's big box music CD set?
  30. jim1174

    DVD or HD

    Do movies look better on DVD or HD cable /satellite?