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  1. kinzoels

    A Few Words About A few words about...™ Night of / Curse of the Demon -- in Blu-ray

    bottom line is this is a fantastic release... consider all the great options. Forget all this grainier, sharper talk, or the never ending 1:66 vs 1:75's so minor it makes me want to scream. There's enough here to please everyone except for the sticklers who just have to rain on...
  2. kinzoels

    A Few Words About A few words about...™ Dracula aka Horror of Dracula -- in Blu-ray

    Hello Mr. Harris. The Japanese footage used for the film restoration of Dracula (AKA Horror of Dracula) was from a badly water/fire damaged print found by a fan in Tokyo. It had scenes that were never included in world distribution other than Japan. These scenes included a different take...
  3. kinzoels

    A Few Words About A few words about...™ Dracula aka Horror of Dracula -- in Blu-ray

    To my ears the 1-2 seconds of Dracula grimacing is not missing audio. In fact, all of the necessary Japanese audio for a smoother and more accurate finale is present Some was actually used on the BFI/Hammer-Anolis ending, but in the wrong spots. The BFI is a superior attempt over the Anolis as...
  4. kinzoels

    A Few Words About A few words about...™ Dracula aka Horror of Dracula -- in Blu-ray

    I remember the rift between you and another poster(Epic Fail) over the BFI release of Dracula. I agreed with you on that one as you defended the "no blue filter" school. I must say though that the crushing of the blacks on this new release is a MAJOR flaw. Corrupted blacks was the phrase Mr...
  5. kinzoels

    A Few Words About A few words about...™ Dracula aka Horror of Dracula -- in Blu-ray

    I'm guessing it's the detail (or lack thereof) in shadowy areas on an exposed piece of film stock. I like catch phrases when they come along. This one, if used literally, is pretty self descriptive, unlike let's say "color timing", which I had to look up when I first heard it. If it means...
  6. kinzoels

    Warner Archive: Horror of Dracula on Blu-ray

    well, I hope your not inferring people should take my humble observation with a grain of salt..and while were at it, the next time you quote Sherlock Holmes, please credit it to him........:)
  7. kinzoels

    Warner Archive: Horror of Dracula on Blu-ray

    Well, from what I'm gathering over on CHFB, and this includes people whom have seen it, and screen grabs, this release is going to be problematic in new ways...the crushing of the blacks, picture softness and no Japanese footage being the big ones.
  8. kinzoels

    A Few Words About A few words about...™ Dracula aka Horror of Dracula -- in Blu-ray

    The BFI did remark in a pre-release that the OCN was in great shape..They did not use terms like existing elements, or other sources. Wouldn't it be a strange comment to make about the OCN and then not use it?
  9. kinzoels

    A Few Words About A few words about...™ Dracula aka Horror of Dracula -- in Blu-ray

    You are correct Mr. Harris as Producer Anthony Hinds, in an interview, stated Hammer made a special cut of the film because "the Japanese like that kind of thing". This also might explain why, in the entire world, only the Japanese have this different version with the extra footage.
  10. kinzoels

    A Few Words About A few words about...™ The Thing from Another World -- in Blu-ray

    speaking of the score to The Thing From Another World, Film Score Monthly (as I am sure many of you know) released Tiomkins' personal acetates of the entire original soundtrack on CD. A few are even in stereo, and the fidelity is not bad at all. It's great to hear the stuff that was buried under...
  11. kinzoels

    A Few Words About A few words about...™ The Thing from Another World -- in Blu-ray

    just watched the new blu ray of The Thing From Another World. I think a rating of 3 out of 5 stars for quality is fair..I felt the blacks were a just a little strong at times, preferring the grey scale look of the DVD.The jumping in and out of the originally excised footage is somewhat jarring...
  12. kinzoels

    A Few Words About A few words about...™ Dracula aka Horror of Dracula -- in Blu-ray

    Thank you Haineshisway and Robert Harris for your knowledgeable and educated responses.....
  13. kinzoels

    A Few Words About A few words about...™ Dracula aka Horror of Dracula -- in Blu-ray

    Suffer me please, but if a film was filmed on Eastman stock with prints produced by Technicolor, which would be the true look of the film? And wouldn't a "recommended" aspect ratio leave open the possibility of a projectionist having a choice? If this is true, there is no OAR but an RAR.
  14. kinzoels

    A Few Words About A few words about...™ Dracula aka Horror of Dracula -- in Blu-ray

    According to a Anthony Hinds quote. from Scarlett Street Forums....."We made a special version of Dracula for Japan because we know they love that sort of thing..." (what is that supposed to mean?). Also, from Bob Furmanek 10/24/2002 on Scarlett Street Forums ...."Also, on further inspection...
  15. kinzoels

    To Mr. Robert Harris: 10 films you’d like to have restored!

    I would have like to see Mr. Harris restoring Hammers 1958 classic DRACULA. Every effort so far has produced one disappointment after another. I think in his hands, this film, including the restored scenes would look terrific!!!
  16. kinzoels

    A Few Words About A few words about...™ Kong Skull Island -- in 4k UHD Blu-ray

    it's really a simple matter.....there is the 1933 King Kong.........and then all the rest.
  17. kinzoels

    HAMMER FILM BLU-RAYS IN THE U.K. ... getting closer to the Holy Grail (DRACULA, 1958)...

    Well I'm going to keep trying to get one, and who knows, If Warner's stops dragging their feet and delivers us a release this film deserves, then I'll stop asking for opinions from the pros.....
  18. kinzoels

    HAMMER FILM BLU-RAYS IN THE U.K. ... getting closer to the Holy Grail (DRACULA, 1958)...

    Well sir, just so happens Mr. Harris offered his assistance to Hammer (which they foolishly turned down) during the mastering process which tells me he was interested indeed, and was in fact very fond of this film so cool it with the education
  19. kinzoels

    HAMMER FILM BLU-RAYS IN THE U.K. ... getting closer to the Holy Grail (DRACULA, 1958)...

    well, and with respect, Mr. Harris has had almost 4 years to comment on this film's Blu Ray...
  20. kinzoels

    Hammer Films Blu Ray in the U.S.

    Release COF and Dracula as a know, the old "the films that started it all" bit, restore COF and make some improvements to Dracula. It would sell for sure and we'd all be done with it for heavens sake!!!
  21. kinzoels

    Bad news about "The Thing from Another World" on BD

    the re-inserted scenes don't look half bad, and with today's technology, they could surely bring it up to snuff. I believe the laser disc, which I have, used 16MM elements for these scenes and they look awful...but I'm not so sure about the DVD as it looks so much better. Warners, who do some...
  22. kinzoels

    Your all time favorite guitar solo is??

    I like so many, but if there is one I'd put up for serious discussion, it would be Hendrixs' "All Along The Watch Tower"....nothing like it since and a beautifully composed piece of music!
  23. kinzoels

    The Beatles: 1 (Blu-ray Audio/Video)

    What really amazes me about this video is the edit between the two versions is now completely seamless, and the 2 keys better (love the original attempt also.)
  24. kinzoels

    Hammer Horror and Special Effects Collections- coming from Warner 10/6/2015

    Well now, isn't this just dandy...Many had hoped for Warners to release COF and Dracula on blu ray but they chose this selection instead, (although FMBD and the Mummyi are good Hammer.). I won't get too intense here in hopes the delay means they are preparing some additional improvements for...
  25. kinzoels

    Christopher Lee - RIP

    it's l958, I'm 8 years old, and my mom is taking me to a Saturday matinee at the old College Point theater in queens N.Y. The film is Horror of Dracula and I'm still watching that film!...I'm sad and grateful at the same time. Sad because I'll miss him (it was inspiring to know he was still out...
  26. kinzoels

    3D Blu-ray Review The Wizard of Oz: THE HTF 3D ADDICT REVIEW

    Lets face it..we all bitch and moan when technology fails at restoring a film we know,loss of grain, poor color, wrong AR etc. The Wiz exists intact as it was originally and we're very happy about that!!...Now along comes Warners again and what do they do?..they produce an absolutley...
  27. kinzoels

    Blu-ray Review A Hard Day's Night Blu-ray Review

    Just watched BR AHDN and I think it's FABulous!!!!!!! Picture quality is first rate, and all 3 audio offerings are wonderful also, each offering there own unique signature on how the music sounds. There does however seem to be a growing discussion (of course) concerning the films speed...
  28. kinzoels

    Blu-ray Review Casablanca: 70th Anniversary Edition Blu-ray Review

    hello all: well, now you have it,two 5 star versions of one of the most beloved movies....and they`couldn't be more different. I love both, but my go to is the former release. Sorry, I just happen to favor its' "released yesterday" look. It's not often we get a choice between 2 high quality...
  29. kinzoels

    TOOTSIE coming to Blu-ray in Germany, BRIDES OF DRACULA in U.K.

    Brides of Dracula on blu ray is a sham..and Universal payed no heed to the hammer fan base about A.R. As far as the grain, I saw It at a friends house on a 32inch HD T.V. and it was fine at about 20 feet back!!!!!!!!!......What a SHAME! P.S. It's been awhile, Hello John Hodson from Bill...
  30. kinzoels

    Shane Blu-ray... in 1:66?

    As regards to SHANE aspect ratio, if the argument here is directors vision Vs. studios vision, IMHO, the directors vision should win all the time. To appease all, both versions should be on the disc. However, as usual, this AR issue is taken to the limit and I respect everyones feelings on it...