Search results

  1. Geoffrey Nietspe

    Amazon Prime Ozzie and Harriet (Amazon Prime) No HD Available after Season 6

    I have been watching the new Ozzie and Harriet restorations on Amazon Prime. Season's 1-5 are free. I bought the HD versions of Season 6 and it was beautiful but then I noticed that Season 7 isn't really HD. It claims it is and I bought the HD option but it's actually standard def and is a...
  2. Geoffrey Nietspe

    Amazon Prime Rare Universal Westerns on Starz

    A year or so ago I had a Starz subscription through Amazon Prime and was watching some Universal Westerns that have never been released before. These required a Starz subscription to be able to view. Here are some I remember watching but there were waaay more: Stagecoach Buckaroo (1942) Johnny...