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  1. Dave Jessup

    What's the last TV DVD/Blu-ray you bought?

    And some British goodness here direct from the UK - because it's not likely to appear on a region 1 disc any time soon: The Avengers: season 1, episode 20 - Tunnel of Fear. "Lost" episode recovered in 2016, released earlier this year with a decent batch of bonus bits. Before that, received...
  2. Dave Jessup

    What's the last TV DVD/Blu-ray you bought?

    A nice, sealed copy of Thriller (complete series). Sort of a blind buy; have seen one or two episodes and know its reputation. Since I'm heading toward season 5 of Twilight Zone on Blu I'll need something to cycle into (when my wife and I aren't continuing the Dark Shadows watch - 735 and counting).
  3. Dave Jessup

    What's the last TV DVD/Blu-ray you bought?

    The Twilight Zone (1959-64) complete series blu-ray went to my sister as a gift, along with a note mentioning my slight envy that she'll be able to see many of these shows for the first time. (I've been in the "seen 'em all" club since 1992.) Elementary season 5 for myself. Look forward to...
  4. Dave Jessup

    What's the last TV DVD/Blu-ray you bought?

    After months of borrowing copies of the individual releases from local libraries (and saving up funds), we were able to sink into Dark Shadows - Complete Series directly from MPI.