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  1. RAF

    The future of RPMs ** From My Perspective **

    Good points, Adam. I didn't mean to say that what we saw at CEDIA this year sounds the death knell for RPM (although in reading over my initial comments I can understand that some might read it that way.) What I meant to say was that when Plasma prices were high and LCD sizes were more limited...
  2. RAF

    The future of RPMs ** From My Perspective **

    Obviously, the public will determine how long RPMs continue to be offered and I agree that if people keep buying them they will continue to be offered. My point was that RPMs offer a big picture viewable in a lit room at a good price but now that flat panels are getting bigger and coming down in...
  3. RAF

    The future of RPMs ** From My Perspective **

    Good points, Tim. And on the other side, as flat panels get bigger and less expensive they will provide the same great, big pictures viewable in lighted rooms that RPMs now deliver - and without the BIG box for those who don't want to set up all the things (screens, etc.) that FPs require. No...
  4. RAF

    The future of RPMs ** From My Perspective **

    As has already been mentioned here and elsewhere, the introduction of really good Front Projectors (I'm talking about 3 chip LCoS models) for around the $5,000 price point or less (street) really brings into question the whole future of the Rear Projection Monitor (RPM) as a viable option for...