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  1. tempest21

    Netflix Manifest (NBC/Netflix)

    Please, I hope the series doesn't drive down that lane either. I wasn't a hardcore fan of the rebooted Battlestar Galactica but when the series ran down the religion freeway in the series, I excited as fat as I could. It worked for the original series because it was built into the very fabric of...
  2. tempest21

    Netflix Manifest (NBC/Netflix)

    Pilot episodes tend to do the best for a new series but I do expect about a 20% drop-off with the second episode and then fluctuating numbers going forward. I've noticed most TV shows experience the same, such as Blue Bloods, NCIS, Flash, The Expanse, etc. It's only when those numbers continue...
  3. tempest21

    Netflix Manifest (NBC/Netflix)

    Interesting. I plan on riding this series out if NBC executives don't manage to interfere and screw with this series as they have so many others. I remember how they just up and canceled various TV shows in the past like Surface, The Event and SMASH. TonyD, the plane blew up, it didn't just...