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  1. Ed Lachmann

    International German "Roman Empire" problems

    Here's some news. A subsidiary of WVG Median GmgH over at called Novobox Klassiker Edition LTD has released recent blu-rays of both El Cid and Roman Empire which include the overture, intermission and exit music for both. They have a reasonable price tag of €14.99. The artwork is...
  2. Ed Lachmann

    International German "Roman Empire" problems

    Damn it, same untimely deaths of my German "deluxe" 3 disc StudioCanal blu-rays of Fall of the Roman Empire AND El Cid! I just bought the Spirit BDs to replace them and now must wait for these to disintegrate, too. Something is rotten with both StudioCanal and Spirit, I guess. I haven't had that...