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  1. John Dirk

    UST vs Long Throw Projectors: Choices and Experiences

    The same is true for me and I'd suspect many of us here. It initially bothered me when my wife didn't want to watch movies with me in the HT on a regular basis but that room has now become my fortress of solitude, an important requirement in marriage. :cool: We have our movie nights but they...
  2. John Dirk

    UST vs Long Throw Projectors: Choices and Experiences

    You're not wrong but the long throws aren't prohibitively difficult either. They just require some planning and research. You can shelf mount them to avoid cutting into the ceiling if you prefer. Projector Central has an excellent tool that simplifies the process. You'll likely get...
  3. John Dirk

    UST vs Long Throw Projectors: Choices and Experiences

    Do you anticipate having a dedicated or shared room? If it's the former I wouldn't rule out standard [long throw] projectors. UST's are not inherently cheaper. In fact I'd say the opposite is usually true. UST's are a great option where environmental factors are key but there's a tradeoff in...
  4. John Dirk

    UST vs Long Throw Projectors: Choices and Experiences

    Affordability is obviously a relative consideration but have you seen the JVC NZ line? While I'm not suggesting it's comparable to OLED's, I have no complaints concerning HDR.
  5. John Dirk

    UST vs Long Throw Projectors: Choices and Experiences

    A very good point @Josh Steinberg touches on is the learning curve required for long throw options. My first projector was placed on a shelf behind the seating and could easily be moved if I made mistakes in distance, positioning, etc. Ceiling mounting a projector is not as forgiving so you...
  6. John Dirk

    UST vs Long Throw Projectors: Choices and Experiences

    Great topic, Jonathan, and I also enjoyed your excellent review. I've owned projectors since the days of the Sanyo PLV-Z5, circa 2006. Since I've always had a dedicated space I never considered UST models. They seem to offer a great option for those with space limitations or aesthetic...