Search results

  1. Robert13

    International GHOST WRITER (1989) - Coming to Blu-Ray in Germany

    It seems like there was little interest in this one but I thought I would let everyone know that I received my copy and this one actually appears to be "region-free". It played in my Region A bluray player. I haven't watched the whole movie yet but I was brought to the menu screen where it...
  2. Robert13

    International GHOST WRITER (1989) - Coming to Blu-Ray in Germany

    I haven't found anything online for a website either. There is a site that lists the aspect ratio but I don't believe it is an official site of the production company. Seems to be an affiliate or something like that and I had a hard time locating it. Now I can't seem to find it again. There is...
  3. Robert13

    International GHOST WRITER (1989) - Coming to Blu-Ray in Germany

    Not much interest in this film, I guess. I went ahead and ordered it as I couldn't find any new info on how the disc is or the packaging. It's a fun 80s movie and I recall Audrey Landers is actually charming and funny in this along with Jeff Conaway from "Grease" fame. Hopefully, it's a good...
  4. Robert13

    International GHOST WRITER (1989) - Coming to Blu-Ray in Germany

    A little more info on this one I just found out... the Cargo Germany site shows the aspect ratio is actually 1.85:1. I wonder if this will be a region-free release. Probably not but you never know.
  5. Robert13

    International GHOST WRITER (1989) - Coming to Blu-Ray in Germany

    Someone else said the same thing but the TV show was from 1992. This movie is from 1989.
  6. Robert13

    International GHOST WRITER (1989) - Coming to Blu-Ray in Germany

    Haven't seen any threads about this but a straight-to-video comedy from 1989 starring Audrey and Judy Landers is coming to bluray in Germany from WMM in August. I am not familiar with WMM. Are they a reputable company? Not sure if their releases are region-free or not. This film last saw a...