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  1. Jake Lipson

    Is it ok to make a fictional movie about school violence?

    None of which nullifies what I said. I think you are missing my point. Unless you are making something exclusively for yourself with no intention of ever showing it to other people, you are opening yourself up to criticism if the film is released. You should be prepared for whatever response...
  2. Jake Lipson

    Is it ok to make a fictional movie about school violence?

    You're missing my point. Anyone who makes a film is opening themselves up to criticism from potential audiences. You're not going to be able to tell everybody who looks at your film to "please view this from the autism spectrum - I'm autistic." Respectfully, you seem to be very sensitive to...
  3. Jake Lipson

    Is it ok to make a fictional movie about school violence?

    It seems to really bother you what happened on other websites. As the moderators have mentioned, that's not really relevant to the original question in your thread. You also felt the need to indicate to us that you are autistic and that we should consider that when responding to your...
  4. Jake Lipson

    Is it ok to make a fictional movie about school violence?

    "The Dune remakes from several years ago?" ;) Part One was released less than three years ago in late 2021. Part Two came out 59 days ago. It depends on what you mean by "ok." I am not aware of any practical or legal reason you couldn't make the movie. You certainly wouldn't be the first...