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  1. JoeDoakes

    Pre-Order Paramount Presents! Chinatown (1974) (4K UHD)

    Life mirroring art. From the LA Times Feds say he masterminded an epic California water heist. Some farmers say he’s their Robin Hood
  2. JoeDoakes

    Pre-Order Paramount Presents! Chinatown (1974) (4K UHD)

    I have no problem with that. Polanski isn't erased nor is his great film, but not additionally celebrating him is ok by me. Also, Two Jakes is an outstanding film in its own right, if not the masterpiece that is Chinatown. I am happy to be able to get everything together.
  3. JoeDoakes

    Pre-Order Paramount Presents! Chinatown (1974) (4K UHD)

    This looks like a must purchase. I recall there being some unhappiness about the Blu-ray. I hope they hit a grand slam this time picture wise. This film deserves the best.