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  1. Aaron Silverman

    What are you playing right now?

    I managed to take a break from COD: Mobile long enough to pick up Star Wars: Squadrons for PSVR and try a few missions. I like it so far. Of course, because I bought it a few days ago (literally the newest video game I've purchased in decades), it's now $10 off on all digital platforms. You're...
  2. Aaron Silverman

    What are you playing right now?

    Tell me about it!!! Actually, the issue is a grammar error -- during the battle, your buddy tells you to attack when the enemy's tail is in the air, when what he really means is DON'T attack when the enemy's tail is in the air! According to what I found online, this sort of thing is rampant in...
  3. Aaron Silverman

    What are you playing right now?

    It took 20 years, but I finally started playing Final Fantasy VII. The PS4 version has some cool cheats to speed up the game, like being able to play everything except cutscenes at triple speed, and the ability to turn off random encounters entirely. I had to go online and look up how to beat...
  4. Aaron Silverman

    What are you playing right now?

    Did the copy you got with your PS3 include the DLC adventure? I think it's usually (always?) included with the PS4 version, and it's definitely worth playing.
  5. Aaron Silverman

    What are you playing right now?

    Oddly enough, he does usually play with the sound off. I have no idea why -- it's not just GTA; it's every game. The new Destiny update seems to have relegated GTAV to the back burner for now, anyway. :) Incidentally, I used to volunteer at his elementary school, and one thing that I...
  6. Aaron Silverman

    What are you playing right now?

    My son is completely addicted to GTAV (online only; he's too young for the single-player story). It's very clever, with a million different missions and mini-games created by the studio as well as by players. Now I'm curious to try it, but I'm afraid that if I get away from Sniper Elite III I'll...
  7. Aaron Silverman

    What are you playing right now?

    Something went freaky with my Black Ops III save and it sent me back to the beginning. No thanks. I moved on to Sniper Elite III, which is kind of hilarious with the grody cranberry juice kills. :)
  8. Aaron Silverman

    What are you playing right now?

    Finished off Uncharted 4. Ahhhhhhh. :) Then I started the single-player campaign in Black Ops III. Wow, what a stark illustration of the difference between a genius studio creating a work of art and an OK studio creating this year's OK iteration. We'll see how far this goes before I move on...
  9. Aaron Silverman

    What are you playing right now?

    I'm halfway through Uncharted 4 myself. . .the game's one big flaw is, indeed, its pacing. There are looooong periods of wandering around (admittedly astonishing) large landscapes lookin' for treasure in between really fantastic action sequences. I've taken to glancing at a list of treasures...
  10. Aaron Silverman

    What are you playing right now?

    I downloaded Rocket League. Couldn't stop playing it. Finally forced myself to go to sleep around 2 am this morning. . . Side note: I finally upgraded my PS4 HDD to 2 TB. Got the drive for free, too, as a token from the Lyve@Home service that is shutting down.
  11. Aaron Silverman

    What are you playing right now?

    I think he already got the Gjallarhorn through the Rise of Iron quest. This was something else, IIRC.
  12. Aaron Silverman

    What are you playing right now?

    The Division is growing on me. Third-person Destiny in NYC? Yeah, kinda sorta. :) We'll see how long I can go without having to deal with a lot of crafting and modding and such. Speaking of Destiny, I played it for the first time in months the other day. My son needed to win a Crucible...
  13. Aaron Silverman

    What are you playing right now?

    I finally finished The Last of Us, then played through Left Behind in about a day and a half. Good, if grim, times. :) On to Tom Clancy's The Division (which Gamefly is selling for $15 -- got that along with Madden 16 for $10). It's very jarring in that there appears to be no melee combat...
  14. Aaron Silverman

    What are you playing right now?

    My son got Overwatch with his birthday money, and I kinda want to try it out 'cause it looks awesome, but I'm way too busy with The Last of Us. It takes more of my attention than I have time for! (Got NO sleep last night.) Incidentally, TLoU is the only digital game I've ever bought for more...
  15. Aaron Silverman

    What are you playing right now?

    I spent a good chunk of Saturday playing it (got through the Capitol Building sequence). I dig its Unchartedy Naughty Dog goodness, but to be honest I find the weapon system reeeeeally annoying. I kill dozens of heavily armed soldiers, and maybe two of them drop ammo (and only a couple of rounds...
  16. Aaron Silverman

    What are you playing right now?

    I downloaded The Last of Us Remastered (couldn't resist -- it was $7.99 on PSN over the weekend!). Haven't had a chance to fire it up yet, though. I have a feeling that once I start with it, I won't be doing much else! Interestingly, I read that it requires 40+ GB of space on the hard drive...
  17. Aaron Silverman

    What are you playing right now?

    They recently ran a Kickstarter for a Dark Souls board game, and it made $5.4 million!!!! It didn't sound too interesting to me. However, I did get in on the This War of Mine board game KS, which "only" made about $1 million but looks like a much more intriguing game. Neither video game really...
  18. Aaron Silverman

    What are you playing right now?

    Shame what happened to that series. And CoD, for that matter. The new CoD games seem overly complicated with all the different equipment and loadouts.
  19. Aaron Silverman

    What are you playing right now?

    Finally got to level 40 on Destiny and started on the Taken King story missions and a couple of Crucible fights. My son also finally convinced me to pick up Black Ops III, which we played a little bit. Playing online sucked (it was like going into the Destiny Crucible with a new level 1...
  20. Aaron Silverman

    What are you playing right now?

    I took advantage of the Gamefly sale to pick up Battlefront for $20 shipped. My son and I are well on our way to getting $20 of value out of it, although I can certainly see why people were pissed off at the amount of content being peddled for $60. It's a tiny fraction of what you get in, say...
  21. Aaron Silverman

    What are you playing right now?

    I consciously forced myself to set Destiny aside and return to Witcher III before I forgot how to play entirely. :) Put in an hour each of the past two nights; still only level 3 while most of the quests being assigned to me are around level 7. Need to grind by hunting wild animals for a while...
  22. Aaron Silverman

    What are you playing right now?

    Perhaps I'll give it another shot, then. Do the level-disabled events disable weapon differences too? Maybe I just suck! :D
  23. Aaron Silverman

    What are you playing right now?

    I hit the Destiny Crucible for the first time last night, with a friend. I was level 23 (25 by the time I went to bed!) and had a light level around 120, so those of you familiar with the game can probably guess how that went. The few people I managed to kill must've been really annoyed! :D I...
  24. Aaron Silverman

    What are you playing right now?

    My co-worker who was obsessed with The Witcher is playing Fallout 4 now. He enjoys it, but it seems to have some annoyances. I'm kinda curious, since it's set in the Boston area. :) We'll see, once it hits the bargain bin.
  25. Aaron Silverman

    What are you playing right now?

    Destiny! Finally. :) It's basically CoD with RPG elements. And an annoying need to connect to network servers to play the "single-player" campaign. Some questionable design decisions, but the actual gameplay is a lot of fun.
  26. Aaron Silverman

    What are you playing right now?

    No, sends out deal alerts all year long. :)
  27. Aaron Silverman

    What are you playing right now?

    Speak o' the devil. . .
  28. Aaron Silverman

    What are you playing right now?

    Finally got my thumb cast off and had some time to play! 90 minutes of Witcher III goodness. I managed to figure out enough of the controls that I didn't bother restarting from the beginning (I played it once in November before my injury).
  29. Aaron Silverman

    What are you playing right now?

    Last night I got to the alien abduction sequence in Stick of Truth. :) The most uncomfortable scene I've ever experienced in a game was in the old Spycraft PC game. You had to torture a woman by controlling an electric current. Cause pain without actually killing her. And it was actual video...
  30. Aaron Silverman

    What are you playing right now?

    I'd like to play BS2 (:D) and Infinite as well, but I'm wondering if they might put out "remastered" PS4 versions at some point.
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