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  1. Charles Smith

    Big Lots Sale

    I'm not in the neighbor of a Big Lots all that often, but I able to stop into one yesterday and their selection was, in a word, execrable. I did manage to walk out with something in my hand -- the Diner and Liberty Heights double feature for six bucks.
  2. Charles Smith

    Big Lots Sale

    No, it wasn't a connection thing, and it's working fine now. Never heard of Foxit, though. I'll check it out, thanks.
  3. Charles Smith

    Big Lots Sale

    That file is "damaged beyond repair" according to Adobe, after a long wait. I can't download it either from their site (linked to from their email) or from the post above.
  4. Charles Smith

    Big Lots Sale

    I didn't even know there was an AMC series of DVDs until I searched for one title several months ago and ordered it, only to find AMC on the cover and Alpha Video quality inside. Never again. Not unless there's something I'm so totally at-wits-end-desperate to see, that the condition of the...
  5. Charles Smith

    Big Lots Sale

    This is why I can't make shopping something like Big Lots a frequent thing. Drop in too often, and it's a lot of work for little in return. That said, I am due for a visit soon.
  6. Charles Smith

    Big Lots Sale

    Thank you so much for the info! I see there are stores within a 30-45 minute drive in various directions, which is totally acceptable to me. Other than the obvious fact of a store running out of a particular item, is there any point to checking out more than one store in a given area? I'm...
  7. Charles Smith

    Big Lots Sale

    I can't believe I've never been to a Big Lots, because from the looks of this thread it's well worth checking out. Is it a paid membership thing, like Costco?