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  1. Interdimensional

    Warner Archive: Popeye the Sailor (1940s) First Volume on Blu-ray

    Wonderful news, the initial post had mentioned 4k scans from seperation negatives, so I'd been expecting the colour to look good, but we didn't know they'd committed to doing the entire Popeye library. That's very reassuring. An unrelated question: does anyone know much of the Famous cartoon...
  2. Interdimensional

    Warner Archive: Popeye the Sailor (1940s) First Volume on Blu-ray

    ... he's probably talking to people like me more than people like you. I buy quite a lot of vintage animation, but back during the times when they were doing the Golden Collections, and the previous Popeye dvds, I didn't exactly rush out and buy them. They went on the wishlist and I played the...
  3. Interdimensional

    Warner Archive: Popeye the Sailor (1940s) First Volume on Blu-ray

    Does anyone have an example more recent than 1993? There's no shortage of examples where a corporation decided to censor or omit cartoons to preempt potential backlash, but I can't recall any recent example where public outcry over offensive backcatalog material forced the recall of physical...
  4. Interdimensional

    Warner Archive: Popeye the Sailor (1940s) First Volume on Blu-ray

    I didn't see that as a rant. That's just how it is. Personally I enjoyed many of the commentaries on previous releases, Beck's included. I felt it was added value, put things in context, and I don't believe it was responsible for inflated prices.