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  1. Josh Steinberg

    Your "Top 20" Favourite Television Shows of the Last 10 years (2010–2019)

    Garfunkel’s 2003 arrest did that for me. It wasn’t the marijuana charge; it was that he pulled the “but officer, don’t you know I’m a celebrity?” card and the officer in fact did not know he was. Major cool points forever lost.
  2. Josh Steinberg

    Your "Top 20" Favourite Television Shows of the Last 10 years (2010–2019)

    I think I may like and try The Leftovers in that case. I don’t know if I’m alone in this, but I found the first season of Lost to be the weakest because it was clear to me that it was a sci-fi show, and yet it seemed that they were doing everything they could to put off embracing that. I had...
  3. Josh Steinberg

    Your "Top 20" Favourite Television Shows of the Last 10 years (2010–2019)

    @Josh Dial - since you ranked The Leftovers so high, I have a question I’d like to ask in as spoiler free a fashion as possible. My wife thinks I’d hate that show but won’t elaborate on why. I’ve liked pretty much all the stuff Lindelof has done from Lost onwards, so I think there’s a pretty...
  4. Josh Steinberg

    Your "Top 20" Favourite Television Shows of the Last 10 years (2010–2019)

    I honestly don’t think I watched enough new TV in this decade to be able to weigh in on the best 20 things that have been made - I’m struggling to remember if I’ve even watched 20 new shows in the decade. What I’ll remember most are two things: the first is Twin Peaks. An absolute masterpiece...