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  1. Lord Dalek

    Doctor Who - The Daleks in Colour Blu-ray......

    Its taken from a new 4k scan of the existing kinescopes if that's what you're asking. The problem is the Marconi-EMI tv system was brickwalled at 500×376. The recent 4k restoration of The Dalek Invasion of Earth on the Season 2 bluray shows any increase in resolution just reveals the line...
  2. Lord Dalek

    Doctor Who - The Daleks in Colour Blu-ray......

    FYI its no visual masterpiece (no Hartnell is being sub-NTSC in the first place) and the garish colors are based on actual photo reference of that story and Lime Grove. The Beeb was more concerned about what colors looked better in black and white, hence the bright shades of pink and powder blue.