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  1. Mike Frezon

    Weekly RoundUp 3-19-2024

    Fixed. Thanks, fellas!
  2. Mike Frezon

    Weekly RoundUp 3-19-2024

    I'll go in and fix that. I didn't even realize/remember a remake of Carrie had ever been made. 🤷‍♂️ :D
  3. Mike Frezon

    Weekly RoundUp 3-19-2024

    We love subtitles. :D One thing it does is force us to pay attention! :laugh: You can't be on your phone!
  4. Mike Frezon

    Weekly RoundUp 3-19-2024

    Hey RoundUppers! A light week after the roller coaster peak of March 12th! :D Personally, I’m taking a flyer on Driving Madeleine as it sounds like just the type of film that me and Peg would enjoy. Time will tell. Hope there’s something for you. I guess time will tell! :laugh: Safe shopping.
  5. Mike Frezon

    Weekly RoundUp 3-19-2024

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