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  1. Ruz-El

    ***Official 23rd Annual HTF October Scary Movie Challenge 2022***

    I honestly didn't mean to debate Robocop, I swear lol. For me, it's an action movie first. There isn't any real part where it feels like it's trying to spook or scare you, and the monster aspect is played for action as opposed to a traditional monster film. Like many films though, it plays with...
  2. Ruz-El

    ***Official 23rd Annual HTF October Scary Movie Challenge 2022***

    I bend the rules enough as it haha. I'm kidding around, I got more than enough to watch :)
  3. Ruz-El

    ***Official 23rd Annual HTF October Scary Movie Challenge 2022***

    But what if Robocop is considered a "Frankenstein" remix? If I really stretch it? :P I'm just kidding, a massive 3 part documentary on the making of it came out and has me itching for a revisit. I'll probably hit it post challenge haha
  4. Ruz-El

    ***Official 23rd Annual HTF October Scary Movie Challenge 2022***

    Setting discs aside from my unwatched pile for next month and thinking things like "Is Robocop a monster movie? Is that cheating?" :P
  5. Ruz-El

    ***Official 23rd Annual HTF October Scary Movie Challenge 2022***

    I've already started pushing horror adjacent titles to the bottom of my watchlist to watch in October lol
  6. Ruz-El

    ***Official 23rd Annual HTF October Scary Movie Challenge 2022***

    Thanks for taking the time to post this! nice to see all the totals. This year was one of the funnest yet! Thanks to all who participated!
  7. Ruz-El

    ***Official 23rd Annual HTF October Scary Movie Challenge 2022***

    So my final tally wrap up! 131 Films - 131 Points 1 TV series, 9 x1 hour episodes for 4.5 Points 135.5 total points. Out of 132 total watches, 119 were first time watches. 1 was in the theater and a repeat viewing. Best of the challenge: Pearl (2022) and The Sadness (2021) where both the jaw...
  8. Ruz-El

    ***Official 23rd Annual HTF October Scary Movie Challenge 2022***

    This is the first challenge where I had the 31st off so I was able to actually mostly program what I wanted to wrap up the challenge with, and ended up sneaking in a bonus fave right before the wire. Here's my last chunk of mini-reviews, I'll post a wrap up with my final tally later: 126 10/30...
  9. Ruz-El

    ***Official 23rd Annual HTF October Scary Movie Challenge 2022***

    Updating this tonight since I want to go as hard as I can tomorrow on the 31st and may have to run an errand that could screw up my watching. Every time I check all your posts I see 10 films I've been wanting to see lol. 120 10/30 Death Bed: The Bed That Eats (1977) 2.5/5 The weird thing...
  10. Ruz-El

    ***Official 23rd Annual HTF October Scary Movie Challenge 2022***

    Add me to the list that loved Doctor Sleep. It takes some bog ball to try to sequel Kubrick but he pulled it off splendidly. I had a fun day yesterday. Caught up with the Cronenbergs. 114 10/29 Studio 666 (2022) 3.5/5 Hats off to the Foo Fighters for going all in on a horror movie that plays...
  11. Ruz-El

    ***Official 23rd Annual HTF October Scary Movie Challenge 2022***

    Ah, I presumed there would be another one but kind of hoped this would be it. Leave it on a high note. I have no idea where this could go, and aiming for more could send it into the spiral that happened with the recent Halloweens.
  12. Ruz-El

    ***Official 23rd Annual HTF October Scary Movie Challenge 2022***

    108 10/28 Godzilla Vs. Hedorah (1971) 4/5 I really liked this one. Starts off with one of the bleakest pop song bangers you’ll ever hear before launching into an environmental nightmare where a living pollution butts heads with Godzilla. The bad in this is it has a super smart kid in it to play...
  13. Ruz-El

    ***Official 23rd Annual HTF October Scary Movie Challenge 2022***

    Add me to the list of being miffed by overly long films. I still haven't seen THE BATMAN or the Snyder JLA cut for that reason. As a little boy I dreamed of being able to see "good" superhero movies. Now they are the norm and I can't be arsed to keep up with them. Between the TV series , over...
  14. Ruz-El

    ***Official 23rd Annual HTF October Scary Movie Challenge 2022***

    Late start but got in a few. I have errands to run today and tomorrow which is going to screw up my totals too. Blech. 100 10/26 Fear Street Part 3: 1666 (2021) 3/5 So it ends up that this series is a little more than not bad/not great in that it’s mostly good. This one I think was the best...
  15. Ruz-El

    ***Official 23rd Annual HTF October Scary Movie Challenge 2022***

    That's one of the problems with this challenge: fatigue. There are more than a few films I slammed in the challenge that I ended up really liking with a re-watch. It's one of the reasons why I broke up running series. I get more out of the Friday the 13th type series if I watch one a day instead...
  16. Ruz-El

    ***Official 23rd Annual HTF October Scary Movie Challenge 2022***

    I was looking for to Cabinet of Curiosities. Guess I'll put my expectations in check. Had a pretty good day yesterday. 094 10/25 Gamera Vs. Jager (1970) 3/5 A fun entry in the series is only held back due to familiarity. The good thing is the World Expo 70 setting and the monster fights that...
  17. Ruz-El

    ***Official 23rd Annual HTF October Scary Movie Challenge 2022***

    Great review and relieved that you liked it!
  18. Ruz-El

    ***Official 23rd Annual HTF October Scary Movie Challenge 2022***

    I plan to run all three before the end of the month. I have a feeling the next two should be better, at least thumbs are held lol. Michael, they really over sold what that Blood disc is. I'm tempted to call them out on it lol.
  19. Ruz-El

    ***Official 23rd Annual HTF October Scary Movie Challenge 2022***

    A bad start but overall a pretty good day. 089 10/24 Blood Guts and Sunshine (2022) 2/5 This one takes a look at the history of horror from the state of Florida. At least the first 30 minutes do. After that it’s the producers friends talking about their shot on video work. Frankly this feels...
  20. Ruz-El

    ***Official 23rd Annual HTF October Scary Movie Challenge 2022***

    Add me to the list of Stephen King fans that never saw the Shining mini-series. Might check it out after the challenge. A friends swears it's better than the Kubrick film but I don't believe it lol. That said, I really liked the directors cut of Doctor Sleep. I haven't read the book, but they...
  21. Ruz-El

    ***Official 23rd Annual HTF October Scary Movie Challenge 2022***

    Yesterdays viewing. Not a bad day 080 10/22 The Iguana With a Tongue of Fire (1971) 3.5/5 Grisly murders are happening around a Swiss ambassador and a retired detective gets called back to duty in this early giallo. This one goes pretty hard with sleaze and blood and setting it in Ireland helps...
  22. Ruz-El

    ***Official 23rd Annual HTF October Scary Movie Challenge 2022***

    I'm okay with the werewolves looking like wolves. That said, in Beast the werewolf looks like a dog with a carpet strapped around it so all complaints are valid.
  23. Ruz-El

    ***Official 23rd Annual HTF October Scary Movie Challenge 2022***

    Maybe I've set low expectations so you may enjoy it lol. Looking at Letterboxd, our Michael has rated it a half star lower than I did. I haven't watched the other films in the set but I'll slow crawly my way through them. Guessing the Holmes will be the best of the bunch and that TV series may...
  24. Ruz-El

    ***Official 23rd Annual HTF October Scary Movie Challenge 2022***

    It sounds morbid but I started thinking this way when I hit middle age a year or so ago and it kind of doubled with the pandemic. Do I need to see this before I die or should I re-watch a favourite? It's part of the reason why I'm thinking of running franchises for the 25th horror challenge...
  25. Ruz-El

    ***Official 23rd Annual HTF October Scary Movie Challenge 2022***

    I watched Plague and Reptile back in the 2008 challenge and rated them low. I have pretty near no memory of them, I might have to give them a revisit now that I'm more familiar with both Hammer and horror of that era in general. 074 10/21 Scream, Queen!: My Nightmare on Elm Street (2019) 4/5...
  26. Ruz-El

    ***Official 23rd Annual HTF October Scary Movie Challenge 2022***

    This catch up is showing me that I need to cut back on my VS and partner label purchases. Most of what I watched this month was that backlog and while I'm nearly done with the horror I'm not even close with all the non-horror stuff. There's some newer films I want to hit this month so I won't...
  27. Ruz-El

    ***Official 23rd Annual HTF October Scary Movie Challenge 2022***

    I hear you on that. This was in my unwatched pile, I've been hitting that the hardest. I actually have been keeping a watch list of other titles I haven't gotten to on past challenges which is why things like Smash Cut and Return to Sleepaway Camp have been viewed haha. I'm hitting a part of...
  28. Ruz-El

    ***Official 23rd Annual HTF October Scary Movie Challenge 2022***

    Add me to those who love The Wolfman as well. Chaney Jr. gets a lot of heat but he's amazingly human and sympathetic in this one. Got another mixed bunch in yesterday. 068 10/20 Summer of 84 (2018) 3.5/5 A group of boys on summer break suspect their neighbour is a serial killer. This one is...
  29. Ruz-El

    ***Official 23rd Annual HTF October Scary Movie Challenge 2022***

    Hope you enjoy it if you get it! Not the fastest paced film you'll see but the way it unfolds was really clever.
  30. Ruz-El

    ***Official 23rd Annual HTF October Scary Movie Challenge 2022***

    Got in a few yesterday. 063 10/19 Shatter Dead (1994) 3.5/5 Susan is trying to get home amongst an undead plague in this one. Just when I pretty much gave up on SOV horror this one knocks it out of the park. IT suffers some of the trappings of low budget SOV with some of the performances and...