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  1. Wiseguy

    What Show Are You Watching Now on DVD or Blu-ray?

    They should have had Lee J. Cobb play the part. Then he could have exclaimed "I am Judge Garth!"
  2. Wiseguy

    What Show Are You Watching Now on DVD or Blu-ray?

    Many people probably know this but when Marius Constant informed CBS that he wanted more money for the use of his theme music CBS' response was to commision Bernard Herrmann to compose new a new theme which would have premiered with this episode. The mid-episode bumper still retains a bit of the...
  3. Wiseguy

    What Show Are You Watching Now on DVD or Blu-ray?

    Well, I saw all the episodes most from the original broadcasts (although I taped them and watched later). In some ways it was better than the live action series since you saw "Gordon" in his natural habitat seeing activities only talked about in the prime-time series. Definitely should be...
  4. Wiseguy

    What Show Are You Watching Now on DVD or Blu-ray?

    I used to watch that on Saturday mornings along with the companion series Alf Tales. Both were on two seasons but the original was on 1987-89 while Tales was on 1988-90.
  5. Wiseguy

    What Show Are You Watching Now on DVD or Blu-ray?

    I bought that set. The case started to fall apart almost immediately so I got 5 cases and repackaged them as separate seasons.
  6. Wiseguy

    What Show Are You Watching Now on DVD or Blu-ray?

    Always wondered if it was just a coincidence that three of the four legs of Kirk and Spock correspond to the three black lines at the bottom of the Guardian.
  7. Wiseguy

    What Show Are You Watching Now on DVD or Blu-ray?

    Rod Serling was accused of not writing for women well (he mentions this in a preview of Mirror Image (I think)). After seeing the wives/ex-wives in "Time Enough at Last," "A World of Difference" (see above) and "A Stop at Willoughby" one can see why.
  8. Wiseguy

    What Show Are You Watching Now on DVD or Blu-ray?

    Know how you can tell the original Star Trek font from the modern computer-age font? One way is that the horizontal bar on the "H" is at a (non-0°) angle in the new font but parallel to the TV screen in the original.