Recent content by ThomasC

  1. ThomasC

    The official Survivor Season 22 Redemption Island: Russell vs. Rob discussion thread

    If they were only together for part of a day, that might make it much easier for them to process. That's not how it works, though. They're with their competitors 24/7 until they're voted out or make it to the end. They're eating and sleeping together. They're not strategizing all of the time...
  2. ThomasC

    Outsourced - season 1 thread

    [/url] Ben Rappaport deserves to land somewhere in the fall. For being his first professional credit at all, he did a damn good job anchoring the show. You'd never guess he lacked experience. He's the lead in a pilot ordered by CBS...
  3. ThomasC

    Chuck - Season Four

    Chewy, "I've got a bad feeling about this"... The Imperial March!!!
  4. ThomasC

    Saturday Night Live Season36

    Never mind, Hanson beat me to it.
  5. ThomasC

    The Amazing Race season 18 - Unfinished Business

    Haha, Justin did yell that! "Oh, Kelly Clarkson" was one of the subtitles. I really hated Gary and Mallory's taxi luck. Congrats to Jen and Kisha!
  6. ThomasC

    The official Survivor Season 22 Redemption Island: Russell vs. Rob discussion thread

    Grant had the lead but lost it because he messed up twice on one step. Grant had Rob beat physically, but Rob had Grant beat mentally.
  7. ThomasC

    Chuck - Season Four

    Yes, yesterday's episode was new. You can watch it on Hulu:
  8. ThomasC

    Chuck - Season Four

    Timing. Is. Everything. Didn't you hear, Casey? They got bin Laden yesterday. I am absolutely flabbergasted at the awesomeness of that episode.
  9. ThomasC

    Things move to "Very Bad" on the Sony/PSN Front..

    They would not ask for that. Sony did warn people about not giving out that information as a result of the hack:
  10. ThomasC

    The official Survivor Season 22 Redemption Island: Russell vs. Rob discussion thread

    From a Q&A of Jeff Probst:
  11. ThomasC

    The official Survivor Season 22 Redemption Island: Russell vs. Rob discussion thread

    This game is still being controlled by Rob. As long as the attention isn't on him (painful as it may be for everyone else), keeping Phillip around (or anyone else in Ometepe) is part of his game. I think everyone in Ometepe is still following Rob, they're just didn't show it as much in this past...
  12. ThomasC

    The official Survivor Season 22 Redemption Island: Russell vs. Rob discussion thread

    He said this on his Twitter account: "RI will be very fun from here on out, won't always be 2person duels!"
  13. ThomasC

    The official Survivor Season 22 Redemption Island: Russell vs. Rob discussion thread

    I think Redemption Island is done after the merge.
  14. ThomasC

    The official Survivor Season 22 Redemption Island: Russell vs. Rob discussion thread

    Phillip is starting to grow on me - he's entertainingly unpleasant. I don't want him to win, but I don't think I would mind seeing him in the final three.
  15. ThomasC

    Best quality BD-R discs?

    Based on ratings from NewEgg, and Amazon, I would go with Optical Quantum.