Recent content by trevanian

  1. T

    Scott Atwell Star Trek Discussion thread (Series and Films)

    Sometimes I think the bombast of TIN MAN's score by Jay Chattaway (before the producers cut him off at the knees creatively) is the only really great TNG scoring, though Moore's work was often very effective. I really like TNG s3 best as well, and I think it is because they didn't have time...
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    Scott Atwell Star Trek Discussion thread (Series and Films)

    24th century tech is just too advance for storytelling's own good, owing to magic box tech like replication. One of my pitches was that it gets determined replication is bad for space-time (probably inspired by a memory of Asimov's THE GODS THEMSELVES), and I thought it would be a great way to...
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    Scott Atwell Star Trek Discussion thread (Series and Films)

    Am pretty sure there was consideration that this would tie into the next Q appearance, Q WHO?, and he'd have shown to be responsible for the weirdness after the fact. I find that show to be rubbish myself, but unlike about 15 or 20 other TNG turkeys, I actually did watch it all the way...
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    Scott Atwell Star Trek Discussion thread (Series and Films)

    I gave up on VOYAGER even before Braga took that over, and barely lasted a year with ENT. I just never understood why Berman favored Braga over Moore, who would have been the right guy to do a pre-TOS show (or just about any trek show imo.) Then again, I've never felt Berman was the right guy to...
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    Scott Atwell Star Trek Discussion thread (Series and Films)

    MIght you be thinking that since Shat was going to try to max out on the 'favored nations' clause and direct two movies like Nimoy did, that he was all set to do a fountain of youth story as the sixth film (it wound up as THE ASHES OF EDEN novel.)
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    Scott Atwell Star Trek Discussion thread (Series and Films)

    I think it was in Cinefantastique's coverage of that season of TNG where I read that one of the writers (Braga?) was actually tempted to put a reference to Spock in as 'he didn't make it.'
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    PHE Press Release: Star Trek: The Motion Picture: Fully Restored Director's Edition (4k UHD) (Paramount+ Streaming)

    Have you read the Kaufman treatment? It's a fascinating mess. For decades I thought it and/or the story by the two screenwriters preceeding it was a big missed op relative to what we got, but after finally reading it (or all but one page that was missing), it just seemed way off the mark for the...
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    PHE Press Release: Star Trek: The Motion Picture: Fully Restored Director's Edition (4k UHD) (Paramount+ Streaming)

    Just to clarify on this: all of the costs preceding the actual production on TMP, from GR's office space for several years to the setbuilding for phase 2 and work that went into TITANS and pay-or-play contracts for cast, only came to maybe 5 mil of the total cost of the film. That's a figure...
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    UHD Review The Godfather Trilogy – UHD Blu ray Review

    I've just finished interviewing a bunch of folks who made THE OFFER (making of GODFATHER series), and every single one of them brought up Willis' work even before I got round to asking. Most of them actually recounted how the work changed the way they thought about movies, in terms of potential...
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    Movies you want on HD disc but don't expect to ever see

    Seconded, still have a good memory of seeing that at the theater, but every time I've ever tried rewatching, the look of the thing just unravels the experience. Felt it could have been called HOW TO BEAT THE HIGH COST OF LIVING PT 2. Oh, my choice in this category is always LOOKING FOR MR...
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    Are you acclimated to Star Trek: TOS Remastered?

    That's like saying there's no point in doing Bond movies at 4K. Fine grain slow ASA film stock with tons of light pouring onto the sets creating saturated yet contrasty rich results, and even if Finnerman's work sometimes had seven shadows, it was truly painting with light. And that's just the...
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    PHE Press Release: Star Trek: The Motion Picture: Fully Restored Director's Edition (4k UHD) (Paramount+ Streaming)

    I don't supposed this time they honored Roddenberry's promise from 1980 that any reissue would include a lot of the 'accidentally left out' credits, like Brick Price Movie Miniatures which worked on the film for the better part of two years without any onscreen mention at all, despite repeat...
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    Paramount+ Theatrical Star Trek: The Motion Picture (1979)

    Count me among them, as I find the director's cut version of the wormhole sound to be utterly abysmal, sounding monotonous and also injurious to the scene (and that's just one of dozens of complaints I have with what they did to the film, since most of their 'enhancements' just exchanged one...
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    UHD Review A Few Words About While we Wait for A few words about...™ No Time to Die -- in 4k UHD

    I've read a pretty detailed description of some UK mystery series that did an episode in the 90s that SKYFALL duplicates beat for bloody beat. Will have to try to find out the title. I found SKYFALL to be one of the worst Bond movies since VIEW TO A KILL -- except for the brief Shanghai fight...
  15. T

    UHD Review A Few Words About A few words about...™ Star Trek - 4-Movie Collection -- in 4k UHD Blu-ray

    The stage where the final metamorphosis takes place was used on HEAVEN CAN WAIT for the limbo set, and was just filled with dust. So no matter how hard studiofolk tried to vacuum the air and clean things up, when you turned on a backlight the dust was everywhere. I suppose all stages have...