Recent content by Xenia Stathakopoulou

  1. Xenia Stathakopoulou

    New Charlie's Angel pilot

    Thanks Neil !
  2. Xenia Stathakopoulou

    New Charlie's Angel pilot

    Did the same actors from the 70s version play in this? If so, I want to see this too !
  3. Xenia Stathakopoulou

    USHE Announcement: Skyline (Blu-ray)

    Saw this in the theater a few weeks ago. This is the first movie I walked out of, about 40 minutes in. 1 of the worst movies I have ever seen
  4. Xenia Stathakopoulou

    Scott Atwell Star Trek Discussion thread (Series and Films)

    Nelson, in that Star Trek parody, I crack up every time they take Spocks ears away from him.
  5. Xenia Stathakopoulou

    Scott Atwell Star Trek Discussion thread (Series and Films)

    Sam, I always thought of Galaxy Quest, more of a behind the scenes of the 70s Battlestar Galactica. But I guess everyone can view it diffrently.
  6. Xenia Stathakopoulou

    Scott Atwell Star Trek Discussion thread (Series and Films)

    Wow Nelson, you really know your Star Trek ! Thanks for sharing! If I ever have a question about Star Trek, I know who to come to. Ive finally finished up Season 3 on Blu-Ray. Its the only season that I hadnt seen every episode, my personal favorite is the cloud minders.I even kind of like...
  7. Xenia Stathakopoulou

    Scott Atwell Star Trek Discussion thread (Series and Films)

    Nelson, I never knew any of the actors had issues with Shatner. Also, thanks for mentioning those Star Trek home movies. I still need to get around watching the bonus material on t.o.s. Blu- Rays.
  8. Xenia Stathakopoulou

    Weekly RoundUp 1-11-2011

    Happy 7th Roundup Anniversary Mike !
  9. Xenia Stathakopoulou

    Scott Atwell Star Trek Discussion thread (Series and Films)

    Nelson, speaking of that parody with the late John Belushi, makes me long for something. It makes me wish they would make a movie , that shows what went on behind the scenes from the beginning of the show, up to its cancellation. Im not talking a made for tv movie either, a big theatrical...
  10. Xenia Stathakopoulou

    Scott Atwell Star Trek Discussion thread (Series and Films)

    Nelson, I got the book in the mail yesterday. Im just a casual Trek fan. As Spock would say "Fascinating" ! Im not even halfway through, theres alot to take in here, photos and the paper they are printed on are AAA quality. Love all the info, on the behind the scenes of the show, some stuff I...
  11. Xenia Stathakopoulou

    DENNIS THE MENACE - SEASON ONE coming soon from Shout! Factory.

    Thanks for explaining, I was worried if it was a diffrent company, the one on amazon canada, wouldnt have the same bonus features.
  12. Xenia Stathakopoulou

    DENNIS THE MENACE - SEASON ONE coming soon from Shout! Factory.

    Here is something odd I just noticed, about the preorder for this dvd. On Amazon Canada, it says Vivendi is releasing it. On Amazon USA, its Shout Factory. Im assuming its just a mistake on Amazon Canadas part, and that Shout is the 1 releasing it there as well?
  13. Xenia Stathakopoulou

    Passed the PE exam

    Congrats ! Its always a great feeling when you accomplish something you really want.
  14. Xenia Stathakopoulou

    TCFHE Press Release: Star Wars: The Complete Saga (Blu-ray)

    And I have the release date ! Amazon Uk, sent me an update on my preorder, " Scheduled to ship September 26-27 !!!!
  15. Xenia Stathakopoulou


    YAY!!! I dont have to buy the prequels, so glad they are releasing seperate trilogies as well.