Search results

  1. bill lopez

    Disney cartoons

    Now I don't have any kids,so I would like to know what parents think of their kids watching Disney cartoons. Because starting with THE LITTLE MERMAID and ever since then they always show a young girl disobeying her parent after the parent gives them a lecture and of course things go bad and...
  2. bill lopez

    BEATLES ANTHOLOGY laserdiscs for sale

    I have THE BEATLES ANTHOLOGY boxset laserdiscs for sale at $50. If intrested e-mail me at [email protected]
  3. bill lopez

    76ers question please help!

    O.k I don't follow the NBA that good. But why is the owner of the 76ers doing on NBC as a commentador? Did he sell the team? I have never seen an owner of a sports team as a commentador.
  4. bill lopez

    Will Smith Superstar?

    It looks like ALI is going to bomb at the box-office so you think Will Smith's ego can handle this? After all the talk he did before the release of the film.
  5. bill lopez

    Soultion to WS P&S

    All I've seen on media newscasts on dvd is how big sales are going and how consumers are buying dvd movies. But there have been no segments on the black bars in the newscasts. You would think the media would explain this when their talking about dvd in their segments. How about Ron appearing on...
  6. bill lopez

    Need help on buying a PC Monitor

    I my monitor is on it's last legs. I see $100 to $300 pc monitors but I don't know if it really makes that much of differance. So can you buds help me out? I do like to view my digital camera pictures a lot.
  7. bill lopez

    Cap'n Crunch

    Anybody else love Cap'n Crunch cereal? I notice though that most of the time a box will taste like opened box sitting for days taste. But when it's good it's better than pizza! Anybody know why Cap'n Crunch doesn't always taste good when you buy it? I've noticed this since the 1970's.
  8. bill lopez


    Man has anyone else seen the previews for this cop show that's coming in March on FX? The cop is like Bluto from Animal House with Dirty Harry justice!:emoji_thumbsup:
  9. bill lopez

    What was the no. 1 cd of 2001?

    I read that it's Shaggy, but didn't Billboard say it was The Beatles 1 cd? So does anybody know what the no. 1 cd of 2001 is?
  10. bill lopez

    Year End magazines

    By now PEOPLE, ENTERTAINMENT WEEKLY have put out their YEAR END spec. ed. magazines with 2 weeks in the year left. How are these magazines to become referance issuses when if a big news event happens in the next 2 weeks? Already Dick Shapp has died, what if Bin Laden is caught or dead in the...
  11. bill lopez

    Can't find PRINCESS DIARIES dvd in ws for rent

    I was at HOLLYWOOD VIDEO to rent PRINCESS DIARIES and they had Full-Screen only! :angry:
  12. bill lopez

    SCARY MOVIE 2 dvd

    I remember seeing the Wayans Bros. saying that Marlon Brando's scenes that were shot were going to show up on the dvd. I have been looking all over the dvd and don't see it. Anybody know if it's some easter egg?
  13. bill lopez

    Heist films

    What's up with Hollywood giving us all these heist films? This trend seems to have started when HEAT went to video. There is a movie from the 60's called GRAND SLAM about a group of pros who set out to rob a vault. I remember one of the pros was a pretty boy ladies man who had to romance a...
  14. bill lopez

    BLOCKBUSTER video awards cancelled

    Just read the news on EONLINE.COM That the BlockBuster video awards have been cancelled. Thats what they get for not stocking up on widescreen Universal dvds. Here's the link to the story.,1,9152,00.html
  15. bill lopez

    THE BIBLE dvd

    This dvd is about the same as the THX laserdisc from a couple of years ago. It looks o.k., but in the begining of the movie they could have cleaned it up a bit. The sound is good, only a bunch of trailers as EXTRAS. Worth having if your into the Bible.
  16. bill lopez

    Hey John Lennon fans!

    MILK & HONEY remastered is out and it's good. You also get Lennon's last interview too. Worth picking up.
  17. bill lopez

    Why do (ws) haters buy dvd?

    With BlockBuster not stocking up on widescreen MUMMY RETURNS dvds and some retailers not selling widescreen dvds it begs me to ask. Why are these people buying dvds? Why not stick with VHS tapes? Is it to say I own a dvd player? If you can't understand why widescreen for this dvd medium then...
  18. bill lopez

    Baseball broadcasters

    Just having watched Game 5 of the Indians vs. Mariners it gets me mad when I see balls being called strikes by the umpire and the broadcaster says it caught the corner! Even though on the replay from above shows it's a ball. The poor Indians didn't have a chance! And the broadcaster makes it...
  19. bill lopez


    Does anyone know if they were still in production when the disater happened? It not MTV missed out on what could have been a great story line, with Coral being Muslium.
  20. bill lopez

    2001 what a year in (gripes) for dvd

    We have had the Willy Wonka no widescreen, Basic Instinct & Total Recall crap cases,poor copy of Close Encounters, Superman 2 no Spec Ed., Halloween 2 ripoff. And those are just mine!
  21. bill lopez

    How long before we see the movie

    I'm wondering which producer & studio comes out with the movie about the Twin Towers disater.
  22. bill lopez

    Another bomb for Freddie Prinze jr.

    I thought this guy was going to be a star when SHE'S ALL THAT was hit. He hasn't had a hit since, just a long string of bombs.
  23. bill lopez

    What if Warner Bros. does this

    With as of today no reviews of NEVER ENDING STORY what if Warner Bros. releases it full frame but on the box it says widescreen? Example: HALLOWEEN H20, JAWS 4 and other dvd's have the wrong information on the box. Now once the dvd is open you can't get a refund.
  24. bill lopez

    THE HUNTER dvd

    Here's a nice print from Paramount of Steve McQueen's last film. The picture is clear & color is perfect, only wish the movie had 5.1 sound instead on mono. And this would have been the best time to include Cast Bios for Steve McQueen by listing all his films. That and a director's commentary on...