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  1. Trace Downing

    Trace Downing's back

    Hello. I'm so important to the world that everybody remembers me. If you don't, well then you're just wrong! Seriously though. In the market for a new TV, so I thought I'd hit up the best knowledge base I know and say hi.
  2. Trace Downing

    Thought I'd drop by.

    I doubt if anyone here remembers me, but eh', I never expected to be famous. How's things? "How's things"...this is going to be a dead thread.:rolleyes
  3. Trace Downing

    Condo owners: question of responsibility...

    Ok, here's my story. About 2 months ago a water leak was discovered by the 4 residences underneath me. I live on the 5th floor (top) unit. It was discovered that there was a leak on my shower lead, and tub and overflow drain in the wall. I hired the plumber on the spot and he cleared his...
  4. Trace Downing

    Too many choices! AACH!

    I'm ready to replace my 40" widescreen Samsung (plh403W), and went out to SoundTrack to check out their X-Mas in July sale. I have a 10' viewing distance, and the calculator site says I can go up to something like 75" (sounds ridiculously huge for such a small space to me).:confused: I went...
  5. Trace Downing

    The NEW Fugitive

    I found it at a local B&M store, but I almost passed by it. The only difference on the snapper from the old one is a red band around the cover art, and in Warner's standard small print, stating widescreen only, and dual layered. There is no mention of special edition/Whiz-Bang series or...
  6. Trace Downing

    MAG-LEV Trains

    This is an offshoot of the Southwest Airline thread. :b The idea is that these trains, which float on a cushion of electro-magnetic repulsion, and can reach speeds of up to 500kph (about 350mph), can be a good alternative mass transit option to air travel. *It is said that by 2025, the...
  7. Trace Downing

    How many DVDs?

    Over there in software, I've seen a lot of people talking about how much more we, as enthusiasts buy than the average pan&scan consumer. This got me thinking, If I can average the collection numbers out, and how many years all have been collecting DVDs (2 years 5 years, or any in between), we...
  8. Trace Downing

    Plug-in requirement blowing away UNIX Netscape

    ALthough I wish I can read it. Your new article requiring a plug-in is causing my netscape to abort. UNIX uses a central server, and my work has locked out the downloading of plug-ins. I don't expect any action to be taken, I'm sure you spent a lot of time creating it. I just thought you'd...
  9. Trace Downing

    Is Walt Disney's life sacrosanct?

    This is a continuation of a conversation that veered the original topic off course in another thread, but I still have a few questions on it. A few quotes from the other thread. Long, just consider them multi-posts... Nobody unilaterally ends a subject on me.;) Has anyone (aside from me)...
  10. Trace Downing

    Cussler want's Jackman as Dirk Pitt

    Crusader Entertainment is in pre-production on Sahara right now. Dirk has yet to be cast, but Crusader is leaning toward George Clooney, but The author himself want's Hugh Jackman in the role of Dirk Pitt. He also like's Selma Hyack (sp?). His reasoning is that he want's a relative unknown in...
  11. Trace Downing

    Hollywood ...attack warning 9/21.

    I just heard on the radio that the FBI has issued a warning that a major Hollywood studio could possibly come under attack tomorrow (the 22nd). Subsequently, all studios have shut down, and folks have been sent home. Boston has also been given warning by the FBI as well. Sorry, I don't have...
  12. Trace Downing

    VOD: The race is on!

    EDIT: Hey, could a MOD change my subject header from os to is? It was the one-armed man that did it. This just came in from my intra-company newsletter today. "CABLE OPERATORS RACING TO OFFER VIDEO-ON-DEMAND - [The Newark Star-Ledger, online.] Cable-TV operators around the country are...
  13. Trace Downing

    EW on Wonka; "Shameful"

    This week's Entertainmant Weekly reviews the Willy Wonka DVD. Although the grade on a whole they gave a B, they did have this to say about the transfer... "Sadly, this 30th anniversary DVD isn't quite the kid-in-a-candy-store experience it should've been. Even though the remastered image is...
  14. Trace Downing

    Help, 4 y/o DVD player "SHOT" ?

    I have a Panasonic DVDa-100 that I bought in '97. It was a good workhorse for a couple of years, 'til I upgraded to a 5 discer. The a-100 got moved to my bedroom. This evening, it froze on me. I put a disc in, and it just froze on a picture about 1 minute into the movie. No amount of button...