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  1. Jon Robertson

    Criterion's 1.33:1 windowboxing practice - why? (please help)

    Since the release of Forbidden Games last December, Criterion has been routinely windowboxing their 1.33:1 transfers, shrinking the image down to include a black border around the whole image (as seen in these reviews of Forbidden Games and The Virgin Spring at DVD Beaver). The purpose of this...
  2. Jon Robertson

    Criterion's February slate

    La commare secca Thieves Highway Night and the City Tout va bien My Own Private Idaho Not everything I was hoping for, I have to say (where's all that Bunuel, John Ford, Mizoguchi, Bresson and Welles we know is stacked up waiting to get released?)
  3. Jon Robertson

    Two more Criterions go OOP

    BLOOD FOR DRACULA and FLESH FOR FRANKENSTEIN Yikes! Here we go again... Incidentally, the commentary tracks on these two are fantastic, and the movies are an absolute hoot. Highly recommended.
  4. Jon Robertson

    A small technical question about laserdiscs

    Was it possible to put both CAV and CLV video footage on the same side of a laserdisc? If, for example, one had the tail end of a film in CAV, then wished to put some supplemental footage in CLV so as not to extend onto another disc.
  5. Jon Robertson

    DVDs with alternate versions on them?

    One of my absolute favourite features of a DVD is to contain alternate versions of the same movies. I'm not talking about things like Criterion's The Killers or Warner's Jekyll & Hyde with two separate screen versions of the same source material (though they are great), but different edits of...
  6. Jon Robertson

    Great article on classic neglected films not on DVD

    At Masters of Cinema, there's a great new article entitled Unavailable?, detailing the number of great films still languishing in vaults across the world, and how the DVD market has dealt with them up until now. It's also got plenty of wishlists by various scholars and critics (that a few...
  7. Jon Robertson


    Oh yeah!
  8. Jon Robertson

    Four Criterions going OOP on December 31st

    It was always heavily rumoured, but now it's official. Two words: don't delay.
  9. Jon Robertson

    Criterion's Jacques Tati titles back in print for 2004!

    Splendid news! I presume they're going to utilise the recent 70mm restoration for the new Playtime DVD - it's about six minutes longer than the version on the DVD, and the leap in picture quality combined with the original 4-track stereo sound design should be wonderful. Here's hoping they...
  10. Jon Robertson

    Your most-wanted candidates for Fox's Studio Classics in 2004?

    I was reading Barrie Maxwell's splendid column over at The Digital Bits and came across this:
  11. Jon Robertson

    Criterion/Home Vision's November lineup! There they are. No specs as of yet, but Naked Lunch (certainly didn't see that one coming) looks to be the first product of the new deal with Fox. These titles just popped up at under the pre-order section.
  12. Jon Robertson

    Blue Underground UK? It's not the same logo as Bill Lustig's company (still related to films though), but they have successfully got Snuff through the BBFC intact, which leads me to suspect we'll be getting our own range of premier exploitation discs in the UK! Hooray!
  13. Jon Robertson

    "I'll get you, Butler!" - the ON THE BUSES trilogy is coming!!

    Rejoice! After watching these three, you'll never look at British comedy the same way again - and that's a promise! August 4th just can't come quickly enough this year.
  14. Jon Robertson

    Criterion's September releases Ta-da!! I'm practically having spasms over The Devil and Daniel Webster!
  15. Jon Robertson

    Universal - W.C. Fields please!

    Universal - I'm a great fan of your new double- (and triple-) feature method of distributing discs, but is there any chance you could release some of your W.C. Fields' classics? Double-feature discs with movies like It's A Gift, The Old-Fashioned Way, Poppy, Never Give A Sucker An Even Break...
  16. Jon Robertson

    New Seven Samurai and more Kurosawa from Criterion? It all sounds highly promising!
  17. Jon Robertson

    Give it up for Blue Underground!

    Damn, Blue Underground rocks. So far I have nine discs from them (Shock Waves, The Prowler, Grand Slam, Revolver, Contamination and The Spaghetti Western Collection) and they're all absolutely top notch. Apart from introducing me to some of the most entertaining and sorely neglected B- and...
  18. Jon Robertson

    Criterion's Straw Dogs now a 2-disc set!

    Christ, I was all smug and secure in the knowledge that I wouldn't have to buy both the R2 and the Criterion, but they've just made it very difficult indeed! Here are the new specs: Disc One - New high-definition digital transfer of the uncut version, enhanced for widescreen televisions...
  19. Jon Robertson

    Fox Studio Classics - complete release details

    Just received All About Eve and How Green Was My Valley and while both discs are a class act, here's some of the info I think will interest a great number of you. Firstly - those darn Proofs-of-Purchase. They're on the bottom left-hand corner of the back of the scene selections insert and you...
  20. Jon Robertson

    Need recommendations for classic Hollywood comedy

    OK, so like most film lovers I get "into" certain genres for a little while, and at the moment I'm currently going through loads of wonderful vintage Hollywood comedies. I have The Bank Dick, Criterion's W.C. Fields Short Films disc, The Shop Around The Corner, My Man Godfrey, Trouble in...
  21. Jon Robertson

    How did Criterion get to do Blade Runner?

    I was just wondering how Criterion managed to produce a laserdisc of Blade Runner when it was a Warner Brothers-owned property? As far as I'm aware, it has never been Warner's policy to licence out titles to other companies. The only possible reason I can think of is that the Criterion's...
  22. Jon Robertson

    Best black-and-white transfer?

    I don't think I've ever seen a better monochrome transfer than Criterion's exquisitely beautiful Down by Law. Any other greats people care to recommend?
  23. Jon Robertson

    A Better Tomorrow SE coming soon! With Bullet in the Head, Once A Thief and A Better Tomorrow II coming from HKL, not to mention their recently-released version of The Killer, R2-capable John Woo fans have plenty to celebrate! *hugs my Criterion Hard Boiled*
  24. Jon Robertson

    Criterion's possible January releases (brace yourselves!!) According to the above release list Criterion will be spoiling us with Pepe le Moko, Godard's Band of Outsiders and (one can only presume) Ernst Lubitsch's Trouble in Paradise on January 7th. January 21st brings us the Dirk...
  25. Jon Robertson

    Sirk's Imitation of Life up for pre-order

    It's up for pre-order in many places now, despite no news from any of the DVD sites. $19.98 on January 7th - one would assume the least we'd get is an anamorphic transfer, but little else at that price tag (having said that, I'm not sure it matters, as Criterion's discs are a superb crash course...
  26. Jon Robertson

    Black Christmas SE announced!

    On December 3rd, for the price of $29.95, you can be the proud owner of: • DIGITALLY MASTERED AUDIO AND VIDEO [1.66:1 - no word on whether it's anamorphic or not] • AUDIO: ENGLISH DOLBY DIGITAL 2.0, MONO, FRENCH MONO • “BLACK CHRISTMAS REVISITED” ALL NEW DOCUMENTARY INCLUDING NEW...
  27. Jon Robertson

    Your one single all-time favourite DVD supplement?

    It's a hard choice, but I'm going to have to go with the painfully hilarious Peter Ustinov interview on Criterion's Spartacus. I laugh myself sick watching that (his Charles Laughton impressions primarily), and he must be the ultimate dinner party guest. You can only pick one! Choose carefully!
  28. Jon Robertson

    Specs for HKL's The Killer and The Story of Ricky Doubtless the 2.35:1 ratio on The Killer is a mis-print (HKL know that this the best film in their catalogue and probably their all-time bestseller) it sounds by far the best release to date.
  29. Jon Robertson

    Flawless, perfect special editions?

    With so much EPK crap released on the market, it's so rare to find a genuinely perfect special edition disc - one that hits all the bases and then some. A disc who's supplements simply enrich the film itself rather than taking away some of its magic. A special edition that truly inspires...
  30. Jon Robertson

    "The Fog" review up at DVDFile Looks like an outstanding disc! Well done MGM! Now, I really want a review of Last House on the Left and I'll be happy.