Search results

  1. Jon_Are

    Digital audio formats / iTunes help (pleeze)

    I think I know the answer, but I'm going to ask anyway. I have around 6000 digital songs, probably >80% that were copied from CDs I own (the others, mostly iTunes downloads). Previously, I used digital music only on my iPod, almost exclusively when working out. Therefore, I didn't much care...
  2. Jon_Are

    Help me with mouse problem, please

    I recently did a full install of Windows 7. All is well, except the center scroll wheel on my Bluetooth mouse no longer works. Previously, turning the wheel would scroll the page up or down. I've looked at the mouse settings within control panel, but can't find anything that addresses the...
  3. Jon_Are

    Question about fonts

    I am soon going to do a full-install of Windows 7. I have several fonts installed within my Windows Vista that I'd like to move onto an always-connected external drive where they can live forever. So, anticipating this, I've already copied them to drive L (they're currently on both C and L)...
  4. Jon_Are

    Cannot print from laptop since installing Windows 7 (except from one user account)

    This has me pulling my hair out, I hope someone here can assist. Two PCs, one desktop, one laptop. Installed Windows 7 on laptop, left desktop with Vista. Since then, I can print from the laptop from within only my account; I cannot print from the wife's user account. I've made sure the...
  5. Jon_Are

    Should this concern me?

    My Bluetooth mouse stopped working today, so I uninstalled and reinstalled it. As my PC was searching for Bluetooth devices, it found my daughter's Macbook, which was maybe ten yards away. This is the first time this has happened. I'm not very familiar with Bluetooth stuff. Is this an...
  6. Jon_Are

    iTunes question

    I keep my music library on my desktop PC, and I access that via iTunes which is installed on my laptop. My question: When I add a CD to the desktop, how do I get it to automatically show up on my laptop iTunes program? What I've been doing is, in the laptop iTunes, clicking on 'add folder to...
  7. Jon_Are

    Want to do something nice for someone who really deserves it?

    Short version: A good friend of mine, who has cystic fibrosis, is a finalist for the Applebee’s Real Hero contest. She is in the top ten among 8000 entries. Emily Schaller is an incredibly positive, selfless hero who really, really deserves to win. Please vote for her here...
  8. Jon_Are


  9. Jon_Are

    iPhone Left in Hot Car For Three Hours

    Police: iPhone Left In Hot Car For Three Hours | The Onion - America's Finest News Source
  10. Jon_Are

    A question about itunes and a question about ipod

    These are just minor annoyances, but I would like to fix them. All input appreciated. 1. I have a 60GB classic ipod loaded with a large number of tunes. When I use the scroll wheel to scroll through the list of artists, sometimes a small window will open up with the current letter within...
  11. Jon_Are

    In search of a good web host & web design software

    (I've done a few searches for this info, but I still need some help) I plan on jumping into real estate photography soon and I've determined that I need a website. I'd like to hear some recommendations for a host with the following in mind: I do not need the capability for anyone to order...
  12. Jon_Are

    Wireless connection nightmare

    I've spent literally hours on the phone with support - both Apple and AT&T - and I'm no closer to solving this than I was in the beginning. My sad story: My daughter bought a Macbook today. It did not automatically connect to the internet wirelessly. Hard wired, it works fine. I need to...
  13. Jon_Are

    Question about Stevie Ray Vaughan Box Set

    I just picked this up today, and in doing so, it brought to mind a question that I posed (to myself, actually) years ago. What the freak is that spring-loaded carved-out wooden device on the cover? Anyone know? Jon
  14. Jon_Are

    A few photos I shot recently

    They're not perfect, but I'm reasonably happy with 'em. Thanks for looking. Jon 1. 2. 3. 4.
  15. Jon_Are

    Will Apple again offer a free ipod with a Mac purchase?

    My daughter will be picking up a Mac laptop for the fall '09 semester. When her older sister did the same, two years ago, she nabbed a free ipod. I see no such deals on the Apple site, and I'm wondering if this is an annual offering, or did older sister just get lucky with her timing? If...
  16. Jon_Are

    Paypal/Ebay problem - anyone ever run into this?

    I just sold a couple of items on ebay and was surprised that neither buyer had paid four days later. While poking around the original listings, it appears that both had paid via Paypal, but I have not yet 'claimed' my payment, and so the amounts have not shown up within Paypal. So...I poke...
  17. Jon_Are

    So you think you're tough?...

    Check out these guys: Tough Guy Challenge 2009 - The Big Picture - Jon
  18. Jon_Are

    See All Five Best Picture Nominees in One Day

    AMC theatres are offering an all-day pass to see all five Best Picture nominees in a single day (on Oscar Eve). Cost is $30, $25 if you have a Movie Watcher card. Here's the schedule for my local AMC: 1030: 'Milk' 1305: 'The Reader' 1545: 'The Curious Case of Benjamin Button' 1915...
  19. Jon_Are

    The Beatles Album That Never Was

    Here’s how to play. Imagine the Beatles had not broken up in 1970, but remained together until Lennon was assassinated in 1980. Here’s the catch; during those ten years, they released only one album. Your job is to choose the songs for that album. In order to follow a standardized, realistic...
  20. Jon_Are

    Basic questions about PC speakers

    Seems as though I'm running out of things to upgrade, so I've turned my attention to the stock speakers that came with my Dell desktop. I'd like to spend
  21. Jon_Are

    Has anyone ever tried to cancel TiVo service

    I'm finding it's next to impossible. On the website, it took me ten minutes to even find any mention of canceling. Then, when I clicked on the link, it took me to a page that told me the many reasons why I should not cancel. Then, a line said, "Still not convinced? Contact us today and our...
  22. Jon_Are

    Replacing power supply

    Looks like I have a dead power supply on my back-up PC, so I'm looking for a cheap, generic replacement. What considerations (as far as specs) should I pay attention to? I assume I should get the same wattage...what else is important? Are the generic power supplies compatible with most...
  23. Jon_Are

    Question about SATA

    I just ordered a new DVD drive for my older (5-6 yr?) computer. Without much thought, I selected one with a SATA connection. Now I'm wondering if I made a mistake. Will I be able to make the connections, given the age of my PC? Is there some sort of special adapter/connector I should have...
  24. Jon_Are

    One ipod, two computers/two itunes - problems?

    I currently have itunes installed on my desktop; I'm just now thinking I should slap it onto my laptop as well. 1. Transferring my music: can I simply copy the files to an external drive, then to the laptop? Or back up the library within itunes to the drive, then restore the files from the...
  25. Jon_Are

    Laptop keyboard has a mind of its own

    I know this is a longshot, but what the heck... I recently had to re-install Vista on my six-month-old Dell laptop. Everything is working fine except the keyboard. When typing, something crazy will happen every 10-15 characters or so. Typically, the cursor will jump up a line or two...
  26. Jon_Are

    Home network issues

    I had to re-install the OS on my laptop. While it can connect to the internet, it does not see the two desktops I have on the network (nor the printers). When trying to set it up manually, it asks for my username and password. Anyone know how I can find this info? (or, what my password...
  27. Jon_Are

    Some shots from my recent vacation

    I'm fairly new to photography, trying to learn all I can. These are from my trip last week. Thanks for looking, Jon
  28. Jon_Are

    t e s t

  29. Jon_Are

    Transferred home videos to DVD and they won't play on my laptop

    I bought a stand-alone VHS/DVD recorder combo for the purpose of transferring old home videos to DVD. The process was easy enough, and the discs play fine on the (same) DVD player. When I insert a disc into my laptop drive, though, it asks me what I want to do with this blank disc. A look at...
  30. Jon_Are

    Archiving Tivo / DVR to DVD

    Soon I will be getting a stand-alone DVD player/recorder. Coincidentally, my Tivo just crapped out and I'm faced with a choice between another Tivo unit and my cable company's DVR. My question: Which of these two choices, if any, allow archiving of recorded television programs to DVD using...