Search results

  1. MattPeriolat

    Martin Peter Pan - too much to hope for?

    Since there a plans to follow up on the success of the Sound of Music Live musical on NBC with a revival of Peter Pan, I find myself hoping that we will see a return to DVD of the 1954 Peter Pan with Mary Martin. It was out way back in the early days of TV DVD, but has fallen out of print and is...
  2. MattPeriolat

    Revisting my TV History on DVD blog

    After a long layoff where I have focused on my education (got my BA in history last May, thank you very much), I've decided to relieve stress from my 9-5... 3 to midnight 5 day a week job to revive my TV history on DVD blog. I've got a link posted in my signature, but I mention it here because...
  3. MattPeriolat

    Movies WB will be revisiting for the 90th anniversary?

    With Black Friday and Christmas looming, my traditional time to pick up movies for cheap is approaching. But a complication this year is with WB doing their 90th anniversary program, I am not sure if any of the movies I might be eyeballing are targeted for new transfers or updated versions. WB...
  4. MattPeriolat

    Best movie studio documentary recommendations

    Having recently rewatched MGM When the Lion Roard, it has gotten me wondering what else is out there on movie and Hollywood history that is at least equal to or exceeds it. I know of two docs currently on DVD, the Warned doc You Must Remember This and the TCM overview doc Movie Stars and Moguls...
  5. MattPeriolat

    Is the a market still for "Greed" or "The Big Parade", et al?

    Blame re-watching When the Lion Roars for putting this bee in my bonnet. I'm really quite surprised that given how long DVD has been around, we still have yet to see a DVD release for classic silent movies like "Greed", "The Big Parade" and many others. I understand that the Warner Archive...
  6. MattPeriolat

    Any Chaplin movies coming in 2012?

    I have to ask because I honestly have not heard anything. I got Modern Times from Criterion and plan on grabbing Great Dictator on the next sale, but I'm really hoping we'll get City Lights and/or Gold Rush on blu before too much longer. Has anyone heard anything about potential releases?
  7. MattPeriolat

    Will we ever see 'Invasion of the Body Snatchers' on BR?

    I am honestly not certain who has the rights to the classic version, but it is one of those movies I want to add to my library, preferably on blu-ray. Anyone know what studio has the rights and if we might ever see it happen?
  8. MattPeriolat

    Does Alpha stack up with TMG and Mill Creek?

    I am always looking for ways to bulk up my classic DVD library, but am always wary of the PD releases because of edits, image quality and, for me, having that adorable little ghost icon in the corner as a perpetual reminder of who got my money on that occasion. In my experiences, I've been...
  9. MattPeriolat

    The Big Picture (1950s) - any help?

    Was doing some digging on Amazon last night and stumbled across a buried gem - looks like the National Archives have released episodes of The Big Picture from the 1950s in single episode releases. I am DYING to do the series since military propoganda is a big part of the history of...
  10. MattPeriolat

    2 "major" 80s animated shows from Mill Creek?

    OK, time to play a guessing game. Mill Creek said in an interview with USTownHall Real Stories ( that they would be announcing two major animated for the 1980s on DVD in the not-too-distant future. Being a child of the 80s, I'm dying to see what the...
  11. MattPeriolat

    Impressed with Shout! yet?

    I know each release will have it's own subject, but after the big news today of Shout! giving day and date releases for Webster, AITF Season 8 and Dark Skies, I just really wanted to tip my hat to the folks over there for producing such awesome product so fast for those of out there who love...
  12. MattPeriolat

    Public domain DVD recommendations?

    OK, I'm going in here knowing not all PD DVD companies are created equal, but there are a few I already trust: Mill Creek and Timeless (TMG is actually almost off the PD list with all their new contracts, but there you go). I was curious about the rep of other companies, specifically Alpha...
  13. MattPeriolat


    Thanks to for this news: And a BIG thanks to Shout! for putting this little gem out. I remember watching this show as a kid and am thrilled to see it's finally getting offered on DVD. Now, get Diff'rent Strokes...
  14. MattPeriolat

    TV on DVD blog

    Decided to enter the world of blogging and TV on DVD reviews. If anyone is interested in this, check out the blog at: Be going through shows one episode at a time so this will take some time. Hope to find some readers and/or followers here.
  15. MattPeriolat

    A question about Timeless Media

    Had a question about Timeless and their practices. I recently got a DVD from them (Season 2 of Loretta Young) and noticed they had made some slight alterations. Nothing major, but a few things really caught my eye. First was the insert of a computer colorized act break card during what would...
  16. MattPeriolat

    TV on Blu-Ray reissues

    The upcoming reissue of Twilight Zone Season 1 on Blu-Ray has gotten me thinking lately: I know we all don't care for the idea of double-dipping unless there's some real bang for the buck. To my mind and money, TZ on BR does fit the critera for a reasonable double dip just for the extras alone...
  17. MattPeriolat

    Heads Up for Western fans

    Looks like the Gene Autry Show is nearing the end of it's long run on Encore Westerns, but not without one heck of a send-off. The weekend of Feb. 27 through March 1st, from midnight to midnight, Encore Westerns will run every single episode of Gene Autry back to back from the first all the way...
  18. MattPeriolat

    Wi-Fi or Powerline?

    I find myself in a bit of a pickle. I got a new Blu-Ray player for Christmas, but not my family is debating if we should upgrade it to a Wi-FI version and get a wireless router for the internet to access Blu-Ray or stick with what we have and get a powerline converter kit to send the signal...
  19. MattPeriolat

    Suspense or Father Knows Best?

    Trying to decide how to spend some Christmas money here and could use some advice. I'm torn between getting the Suspense Ultimate Collection (all three volumes) or Season One of Father Knows Best. I know you could not pick two more different shows, but it goes to my current collection focus of...
  20. MattPeriolat

    Thinking of going HDTV...

    Well, after getting sick of trying to watch TV shows and not being able to tell what's going on because it's like looking into a hole whenever they go into a dark room on screen and since I do want to get a Blu-Ray player and enjoy all it offers, I'm thinking of finally upgrading this Christmas...
  21. MattPeriolat

    Advice: Get Smart or U.N.C.L.E.?

    Fiance and I were going through BB and looking at TV on DVD yesterday and she seemed a bit thoughtful especially about the Complete Series Sets for Get Smart and Man from U.N.C.L.E.. Now, I can't afford them right now, but I am considering one of the two, maybe for Christmas. But I'm at a...
  22. MattPeriolat

    Soul Train on DVD?

    Only can source this from one location, but in the lead up to the Jackson memorial services today, I ran across this little nugget. Anyone know anything about it?
  23. MattPeriolat

    Jackson 5 cartoon et al.

    With the recent passing of Michael Jackson, it got me thinking about the vast amount of TV material produced by him and his brothers. Now, obviously the music videos are out there in various formats, but I was wondering about stuff like the Rankin-Bass Jackson 5 cartoons for example and if a...
  24. MattPeriolat

    Mr. Ed LIVES!

    And I thought his new name was "Glue" after the issues about rights had come up, but hey, major kudos to Shout! for this score! Mister Ed DVD news: Announcement for Mister Ed - The Complete First Season | This is a "must-get" for me as my fiance loved the show on Nick at...
  25. MattPeriolat

    Wanted: Dead or Alive... or Complete for cheap!

    Wanted: Dead or Alive DVD news: Announcement for Mill Creek releases of Wanted: Dead or Alive | Nice to see Mill Creek picked up the release, but can they really release so many discs for such a cheap price? Makes me worry a bit about the quality of the release. Granted, Mill...
  26. MattPeriolat

    BONANZA! at last!!!!

    Color me delighted to see this! Bonanza DVD news: Announcement for Bonanza - The Official 1st Season, Volume 1 and Bonanza - The Official 1st Season, Volume 2 | Barring music remaining intact, this should be a hot seller as it's a long awaited release of a classic TV Western...
  27. MattPeriolat

    Naked City - What Happened?

    Image Entertainment released three sets from Seasons 2 on, plus some individual episodes some years back. Now, not only have they stopped, but they discontinued what they have already released, which now command some pretty high prices at both the Marketplace and eBay. My question: why did...
  28. MattPeriolat

    Best TV of the Decades

    Thought this might be a fun discussion topic that has been kicking around in my brain, maybe even might get some new TV shows in my mind (always looking for those! So, the $64,000 question is: what TV show was the best or best represented their respective decades? For the 50s, it's not...
  29. MattPeriolat

    Where's Lassie/Dennis the Menace?

    I'm curious on these two shoes as my fiance and I were quite fond of the repeats on Nickelodeon when we were growing up and she asks about Dennis every time I bring up classic television. So, what's the deal? Are there rights issues I may not be aware of? I also know Lassie ran for quite a...
  30. MattPeriolat

    Time Tunnel S1 &2 - Good buy?

    Seeking advice on this one. BB is running a special until April 14 where you can get Seasons 1 & 2 of Time Tunnel for 20 bucks a pop. Now, I've only seen the show once many moons ago (I think the two guys go back to the fall of Troy or something) and remember liking it. Fiance and I are a fan...