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  1. timmytimmy

    Weekly RoundUp 8-9-2011

    The doldrums are indeed upon us. I can wait for Paul to eventually come way way down. Your Highness seems like a rental. And I agree with Brisby on the ridiculous price for Fox and the Hound. I can imagine Disney justifying it with the old "but its TWO movies!" argument. Great job with the...
  2. timmytimmy

    Weekly RoundUp 7-19-2011

    That is a great price for Amelie, I don't think I can wait for it to eventually drop to $9.99. Just that for new releases, I still have a few Criterions that I will be looking for in the next few days. A wonderfully complete roundup as always, Mike, thanks for everything.
  3. timmytimmy

    Weekly RoundUp 6-28-2011

    Thanks for the prices Mike. Pretty quiet week for me. Season of the Witch and Sucker Punch with be netflixed, just to see how bad they really are. I am not getting my hopes up for Snyder's Superman, that is certain. I think I will be taking Brisby's tactic regarding the LOTR trilogy: Is...
  4. timmytimmy

    Weekly RoundUp 6-21-2011

    Excellent choice of photos this week, Mike, any time we get to see January Jones AND Scarlett Johansson in the roundup, its going to be a good week. I will be renting the Adjustment Bureau and Cedar Rapids eventually. I am strongly considering purchasing Louie, but Amazon has some very...
  5. timmytimmy

    Weekly RoundUp 6-7-11

    Mike, your commitment is always appreciated. I always wonder if any casual passersby are concerned by the strange man huddled over his laptop late Saturday night by the library... True Grit and Breaking Bad for me, I have been looking forward to these for quite some time. True Grit did not...
  6. timmytimmy

    Weekly RoundUp 5-31-11

    In a perfect world, Clockwork Orange's cover would look exactly like that beautiful promo poster Mike dug up. Amazing. Last week of nothing for me. Holding out for True Grit and Breaking Bad S3 next week. I look forward to the great work on the roundup for those. Thanks , Mike!
  7. timmytimmy

    Weekly RoundUp 5-24-2011

    This is my fourth week in a row of nothing, what is wrong with me??? As always, thanks for the thorough roundup, Mike.
  8. timmytimmy

    Weekly RoundUp 4-26-2011

    *Blow Out, Blow OUT!!!
  9. timmytimmy

    Weekly RoundUp 4-26-2011

    That screen cap from Mongolian Death Worm made my Easter. Thanks for the prices, nothing for me this week. I'll be renting Blow Up eventually, I have heard enough great things about it that it seems to deserve my attention.
  10. timmytimmy

    Weekly RoundUp 4-12-2011

    I am surprised Amazon hasn't taken the bait and lowered their price of the Incredibles on Blu. To Best Buy, I suppose. Thanks for the great work, Mike!
  11. timmytimmy

    Weekly RoundUp 3-29-2011

    Dear AMC, Please renew Mad Men, so that Mike can post a comprehensive listing of the prices when the fifth season comes out on DVD and Blu Ray. I promise to buy the fourth season this week. Sincerely, Tim
  12. timmytimmy

    Weekly RoundUp 3-22-2011

    This has been a rather dry spell for me and purchases. Those two Spaghetti Westerns look intriguing, and the prices are great... We shall see. Thanks as always, Mike. Your attention to detail is always appreciated.
  13. timmytimmy

    Weekly RoundUp 3-1-2011

    Bambi's prices look just fine after the coupon. This will be my first buy in a while, so I feel okay going for it. Thanks for the heads up!
  14. timmytimmy

    Weekly RoundUp 2-1-2011

    Mike outlasted another store! What retailer will be next to fall? The Best Buy exclusive prices looks pretty good, I will have to swing by and see what's available. And the price on Monsters looks great as well... worth a blind buy? Thanks for your hard work and perseverance through...
  15. timmytimmy

    Weekly RoundUp 1-11-2011

    Thanks for the good work for seven years, Mike. Remember Circuit City? How cute... Nothing for me this week, I can wait for the inevitable Fincher extravaganza for The Social Network, this release was too quick to be all that we'll get, I would think. Thanks as always! (And not to be a...
  16. timmytimmy

    Weekly RoundUp 1-4-2011

    What did we do to deserve this kind of dedication?! As always, it is much appreciated. Nothing for me this week, I have some returns to make at Best Buy, so I'll be having soem store credit to use in the next few weeks. Hopefully the release calendar gets a little better! Happy New Year, all.
  17. timmytimmy

    Weekly RoundUp 12-21-2010

    Nothing last week, nothing this week. Guess my promise to not buy anything before Christmas finally came true! Thanks for the great work, Mike. Have a great week, everyone, enjoy the holidays!
  18. timmytimmy

    Weekly RoundUp 12-7-2010

    I have dropped some heavy hints to my wife about Inception, I think she might have to make a trip to Target this week for that. Agree with the thoughts on waiting for the Criterions... B&N has been having those half off sales at least twice a year, so I think waiting for Cronos will be worth my...
  19. timmytimmy

    Weekly Roundup 11-16-2010

    Stellar work as always Mike. That frame from Night of the Hunter is so, so perfectly creepy. I am still debating on that BD release: so I want to take advantage of B&N's 50% off Criterion sale, or add it to the Christmas list? Decisions, decisions! Avatar has already been shipped from...
  20. timmytimmy

    Weekly RoundUp 11-9-2010

    Stellar work as ever, Mike. Scott Pilgrim will be mine, looks like Amazon may be the way to go, taking taxes into consideration. Have a great week, everyone. Hug a vet.
  21. timmytimmy

    Criterion 50% Sale and B&N 11/1 to 11/21

    Sigh. Just when I thought I was going to be taking a break on buying until Christmas. Picked up Darjeeling Limited, Charade, Stagecoach, and Seven Samurai. I have been meaning to upgrade Seven Samurai for Criterion's $20 exchange, but the $23 and change I just spent and B&N will cover that...
  22. timmytimmy

    Weekly RoundUp 11-2-2010

    Mike, thanks as always for the stellar work. Just pre-ordered Toy Story 3 and Sound of Music combo packs. The Pacific is going to be a Christmas present for Dad, I will wait for one of best buy's half off sales on HBO sets for my own copy. That Goonies price seems pretty high, perhaps a price...
  23. timmytimmy

    Weekly RoundUp 10-26-2010

    Mike, Long time lurker, first time poster. Just wanted to let you know how much I appreciate your hard work every week. After the huge blu week on the 19th (moulin rouge, Romeo and Juliet, apocalypse now, rocky horror...) I think I may have to put the BTTF trilogy on the Christmas wish list...