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  1. yairisan

    Panasonic AE-900

    Just to add one more observation to this pointless and self-indulgent thread that I doubt anyone will be interested in: the Mitsubishi HC3800 was quite finicky on HDMI handshake, and suffered sparklies/noise on certain dark scenes (though not all, oddly). The Pan suffers none of this and...
  2. yairisan

    Panasonic AE-900

    Update: I got the Panasonic at a further reduced price due to a sticky iris, which I've since fixed. For the record: It's not as bright as the Mitsubishi HC3800, but not unduly so. The bulb is near its end, so this might be mitigated with a replacement bulb, although the Mitsu is up to 1500...
  3. yairisan

    Panasonic AE-900

    Thanks for the informed answer! Sounds like it's best I stay away from the Panasonic 900 and stick with the HC3800, then. Cheers.
  4. yairisan

    Panasonic AE-900

    Incidentally, while I wasn't surprised by the lack of response, I was surprised by the dim-witted response I did get. Some mothers do 'ave em.
  5. yairisan

    Panasonic AE-900

    Thanks for the detailed reply, Adam. I understand my question is very machine-specific. The 900 is going for 70 dollars in very clean condition and turns on and shows its menus, etc. It includes the learning remote also, so it seems to be a good deal. Buying used in Japan is less hairy as...
  6. yairisan

    Panasonic AE-900

    I'll try this question one more time (the first time garnered me a single completely witless response - cheers Peter!). Could anyone shed some light on the Panny in the title? I have a DLP (2007?) Mitsubishi HC3800 which has been pretty damn good. I understand the Panny is 720, but for Netflix...
  7. yairisan


    Lousy guess, and an even more ridiculous notion—as if it costs more to hire someone with an interest in movies. Of course they hire people who are fit for whatever position. As for 'many major film studios', how many of the, let's see, 6 or 7 do you think are using the McDonald's hiring metric?
  8. yairisan

    Mitsubishi HC3800 vs Panasonic AE900

    Sorry, so 'it' being the Panny 900 compared to a Mitsubishi HC3800?
  9. yairisan

    Mitsubishi HC3800 vs Panasonic AE900

    I have done a fair bit of web trawling to find some information—no definitive answer though. I have the Mitsubishi HC3800, which has proven to be a fine projector in my light controlled viewing space. I've been offered a Panasonic AE-900 for $65, which seems like a decent price. While I'm happy...
  10. yairisan

    denon DBT-1317UD - Netflix not appearing in Main menu

    Weird, but for some reason Netflix doesn't appear in the main menu (Home). Is this a problem anyone has encountered? The remote Netflix button nor the main menu (where the logo should appear) are non-functional. A message comes up saying Netflix is not available in my country (Japan). Well, the...
  11. yairisan

    Saved by a Monster

    Sam. No problem with Jim's comment - he was being helpful - I thanked him for it. He is spot on about the firmware issues of the HC3800. I'm curious about your comment regarding 'other possible culprits' though. It just came across as a bit dismissive, offering no alternative explanation. I'm...
  12. yairisan

    Saved by a Monster

    No problem at all - thanks for bringing up the firmware issue.
  13. yairisan

    Saved by a Monster

    About a year ago. I bought it here in Japan. I did read somewhere about the firmware thing, but didn't feel so inclined to cart it back to the store and have it taken away for weeks for a problem that the cable appeared to fix.
  14. yairisan

    Saved by a Monster

    I didn't observe wind direction each time I swapped between said cables, but I will look into that. Perhaps that's the hidden factor that's messing up my results. I also had the kettle (a US-bought Tefal) boiling at one time during the experiment... Other than that, all I can say is that each...
  15. yairisan

    Saved by a Monster

    The Mistubishi HC3800 has been noted as being quite shaky with HDMI connection - mine sure as hell was. Having tried three not-cheap-not-expensive HDMI cables (all "High-Speed" certified, whatever that meant), I was getting a great picture, but it was plagued by white streaks and drop outs every...