Search results

  1. Stan

    Coffee: Intermediate to Advanced

    I've got an automatic one, Cook's Essentials I think, some TV purchase. Works great, but wow, may as well have a freight train drive through the house when the grind starts, it so loud. But that odor of fresh coffee when you wake up is great. Also watch what coffee you buy. Just got a one...
  2. Stan

    Coffee: Intermediate to Advanced

    Whatever you do, make sure you include de-caf versions. Lots of people can't tolerate caffeine, me being one of them, so you could miss out on a lot of customers. Had a real bad experience with caffeine years ago before I knew I was so sensitive to it. My blood pressure went sky high and I...
  3. Stan

    Coffee: Intermediate to Advanced

    Semi off-topic, but I let the entire coffee craze pass me by. Plain old decaf for me. Black, nothing added. My one extravagance is I've got an automaticlly timed grinder/brewer. Pour in whole beans, add water, set the timer and you wake up to freshly ground and brewed coffee in the morning. My...