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  1. Robert Harris

    A Few Words About A few words about...™ Nothing Sacred -- in Blu-ray

    I believe what Brian may be referring to, is that there are a handful of shots, that either because of the original look, or by transfer methodology, do have a bit of a two color look to them, but generally the film looks as it should. I had a 35 nitrate from 1937 years ago, that I donated to...
  2. Robert Harris

    A Few Words About A few words about...™ Nothing Sacred -- in Blu-ray

    The Technicolor records are what they are, and are modified to represent the filmmaker's wishes. Circa 1937, the general rule was to tone down color, as not to burn out the audience's eyes and have them running for the exits. When harvesting an image from a print, one is (within certain...
  3. Robert Harris

    A Few Words About A few words about...™ Nothing Sacred -- in Blu-ray

    Nary a clue on either. I can't see Big Fisherman selling. Exodus should be nicely faded and chemically damaged, if at all like other 1960 tech productions, and it's a stinker besides. Some interesting acting, if one can take every actor using a different mode of the craft, beautifully...
  4. Robert Harris

    A Few Words About A few words about...™ Nothing Sacred -- in Blu-ray

    Like the 1932 A Farewell to Arms, also from Kino, William Wellman's Nothing Sacred is from an original print, and that print is in beautiful condition. To my eye, the print actually comes off very well in transfer, as the original early three-strip Technicolor tones are reasonably...