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  1. TonyD

    Weekly RoundUp 1-22-2013

    Taken 2 is $12.99 in best buy today and tomorrow only. They are marching the bb. Com price. I used a trade and save to buy it for$7.99.
  2. TonyD

    Weekly RoundUp 1-22-2013

    Look at my post a little closer.
  3. TonyD

    Weekly RoundUp 1-22-2013

    Abe Vigoda died ages ago just kidding I know he is alive..
  4. TonyD

    Weekly RoundUp 1-22-2013

    Nearly $400 for that Godfather set and it doesn't include the Godfather Saga or the Godfather: A novel for TV ? Anyway a see a typo under the Nobody Walks picture.