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  1. Douglas_H

    The Beatles: 1 (Blu-ray Audio/Video)

    Finally listened to the 5.1 mixes on Friday nite. While a lot of people are underwhelmed to dismissive, I think they're brilliant. One anomaly is Ticket To Ride, the LFE is way too hot. Impossible to miss. Otherwise the SQ is excellent with a nice life-sized soundstage. Overall, the...
  2. Douglas_H

    The Beatles: 1 (Blu-ray Audio/Video)

    I agree with everything you said except one, I love the mono Beatles :) Big, you know how many internet expert, texperts there are, right? Most all of them are on SHF.
  3. Douglas_H

    The Beatles: 1 (Blu-ray Audio/Video)

    It appears that Canadian customers have not received their orders from Amazon CA yet. Sorry. Trust me I'm not anti-Canadian in fact I love visiting B.C and Victoria and the people but Amazon CA in my experience sucks at least for shipments and shipping to Washington state. I get far faster...
  4. Douglas_H

    The Beatles: 1 (Blu-ray Audio/Video)

    Just my opinion but, I can't imagine anyone not buying the deluxe version of this. I agree with bigshot, the title cards one BD-1 are bad but are very much better on BD-2. Strange that. The consensus on Hoffman and QQ are surprisingly negative. The Hoffman thing doesn't surprise me because...
  5. Douglas_H

    The Beatles: 1 (Blu-ray Audio/Video)

    Got mine today :D Nice if a bit unwieldy packaging. It's like a book with the 2 BDs inside the front cover, the CD on the back cover and the book in the middle. Listening to the new Yes Fragile BD right now but will certainly spin this one at least a bit in a bit.
  6. Douglas_H

    The Beatles: 1 (Blu-ray Audio/Video)

    Right now it's better just to ignore the Hoffman thread on this release. As usual the speculation turns into speculation on speculation on speculation. They get 3 tid-bits of info like the Giles Martin mixing blivet and extrapolate into oblivion. The vast majority of members there have no clue...
  7. Douglas_H

    The Beatles: 1 (Blu-ray Audio/Video)

    That's a bummer AFAIC. As much as I like Free As A Bird, Lynn should not have been involved in the original. You can thank George Harrison for that. Paul and George Martin should've done it like always. I totally disagree about not liking Love or thinking that it doesn't "sound like The Beatles...
  8. Douglas_H

    The Beatles: 1 (Blu-ray Audio/Video)

    Why wouldn't Free as a Bird and Real Love be re-mixed and remastered like the rest of the content? BTW David I fully agree with you on Free As A Bird and I'm not ashamed to admit that the first time I watched it, I had tears running down both cheeks.
  9. Douglas_H

    The Beatles: 1 (Blu-ray Audio/Video)

    Ron, in a word, yes, buy the CD, 2 BD set to get all of the content. You don't need to know anything else. Don't be put off by so called "duplicate" content. The videos at least are different plus there's a lot of content not on the single BD set.
  10. Douglas_H

    The Beatles: 1 (Blu-ray Audio/Video)

    Sorry to be Mr. Technical but that is not correct. The Rubber Soul Mono CD from the 2009 boxset had both the original mono mix and the (original)1965 stereo mix. The Stereo Rubber Soul from the 2009 CD set had the 1987 George Martin remix. I don't remember what the remastered LP sets...
  11. Douglas_H

    The Beatles: 1 (Blu-ray Audio/Video) is the source for this release. No DVD\BD combo. Now maybe if it was a Disney release... plus Ultra-Violet! :3dglasses:
  12. Douglas_H

    The Beatles: 1 (Blu-ray Audio/Video)

    Whenever a treasured band that we love releases anything from the archive there is always strong feelings, apprehension and potential disappointment. I will say this. However mangled(mash-up) many of the complete songs were on Love, imo, they all sounded unbelievably good. The frustration...
  13. Douglas_H

    The Beatles: 1 (Blu-ray Audio/Video)

    Shemp, Shemp, The music on the CD is remixed, remastered down sampled to 16/44.1. The Blu-ray discs are 24/96 PCM in 2-channel PLUS 5.1 in DTS-MA(24/96) and Dolby Digital. What part of 24/96 is unclear? No one, including Apple, ever claimed the Blu-ray discs were Audio Only, they have the...
  14. Douglas_H

    The Beatles: 1 (Blu-ray Audio/Video)

    Of course they are completely different mixes and masters and not only the 5.1, the 2 channel is also newly remixed and mastered. As are the videos. Not directing this at you bigshot but there is abundant info on what the content of this release is outside of Amazon which is never the...
  15. Douglas_H

    The Beatles: 1 (Blu-ray Audio/Video)

    The original Beatles 1 cd was not very well received and kind of rightfully so, imo. The mid-60's Beatles releases on Capitol had reverb applied by Capitol personnel so if these LPs or CDs are your reference for Beatles output then you surely heard them this way originally
  16. Douglas_H

    The Beatles: 1 (Blu-ray Audio/Video)

    No mono or stereo re-release. If you want to immerse yourself in the various one offs that Giles Martin will not be re-doing for this release check of the Steve Hoffman forum. Probably a 100 pages by now. Not that anyone is but I would not hold your breath on LIB, ever. IMO, Yoko and likely...