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  1. Ronald Epstein

    The Beatles: 1 (Blu-ray Audio/Video)

    Got the 1+ set in the mail yesterday. Listened to the CD on the way to work. I have an excellent Revel sound system in my vehicle. I was just not impressed. I don't know what I was looking for, but I thought it sounded kind of plain.
  2. Ronald Epstein

    The Beatles: 1 (Blu-ray Audio/Video)

    Link does not work
  3. Ronald Epstein

    The Beatles: 1 (Blu-ray Audio/Video)

    Mike, So, if I am reading your post correctly, both sets are identical in content with extras on the more expensive set.
  4. Ronald Epstein

    The Beatles: 1 (Blu-ray Audio/Video)

    See....this is how confused I am about everything. I thought the 2 disc set has all the material of the 1 disc set plus more. Now I am guessing that is not the case, that each release has its own differences in content?
  5. Ronald Epstein

    The Beatles: 1 (Blu-ray Audio/Video)

    I don't even exactly understand what this collection is. At first, I thought it was Blu-ray audio mixes of the Beatles songs. Now, I think there's a new audio CD of those songs and the Blu-ray is the videos. Am I close to being correct? And what's the difference between the 1 and 1+ sets?
  6. Ronald Epstein

    The Beatles: 1 (Blu-ray Audio/Video)

    Absolutely! It's good to see *something* new out of The Beatles catalog. I have been meaning to post something for the last few months inquiring where LET IT BE and THE BEATLES ANTHOLOGY stand for Blu-ray release. Not even certain that hope can be had to see either of these titles released.
  7. Ronald Epstein

    The Beatles: 1 (Blu-ray Audio/Video)

    <p ></p> <p ></p> <p >&nbsp;</p> <p ></p> <p ></p> <p >&nbsp;</p> <p >&nbsp;</p> <h2 > THE BEATLES&rsquo; VIDEOS AND TOP HITS COME TOGETHER FOR THE FIRST TIME</h2> <h3 > All-New Editions of The Beatles 1 Pair Beautifully Restored Promotional Films and Videos with Brand New Stereo and Surround...