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  1. The Obsolete Man

    Looney Tunes BD Platinum 1-3 compared to DVD Golden Collection 1-6?

    Yep. It's where we've all been hoping Looney Tunes would end up. And if they're Blu releases, they're pressed and will be available pretty much everywhere online anyway.
  2. The Obsolete Man

    Looney Tunes BD Platinum 1-3 compared to DVD Golden Collection 1-6?

    Digibooks or digipaks? Digibooks are cardboard but do have trays in them. Digipaks, IIRC, are the ones you slide the discs in and they do suck.
  3. The Obsolete Man

    Looney Tunes BD Platinum 1-3 compared to DVD Golden Collection 1-6?

    Yes, but that requires putting out money to restore them first, and then market them, and no company these days is going to bother thinking past the next quarter's profit and loss statement. That's why cash cow Star Trek is abandoned in HD now. Sure, DS9 would pay for its restoration in time...
  4. The Obsolete Man

    Looney Tunes BD Platinum 1-3 compared to DVD Golden Collection 1-6?

    These were originally intended to make people laugh... Well, that's one of the problems... over time, Looney Tunes got re-aimed at kids, when the shorts were for all ages, and usually in front of movies Adults would be watching. And then we, as a culture, got overly sensitive, so kids don't...
  5. The Obsolete Man

    Looney Tunes BD Platinum 1-3 compared to DVD Golden Collection 1-6?

    Got my copy of V1 today, and I have to say... the colors are brighter than I ever remember them. Michigan J. Frog (as he's been retconned to be) is a brilliant green. Like, greener than green. Almost neon.
  6. The Obsolete Man

    Looney Tunes BD Platinum 1-3 compared to DVD Golden Collection 1-6?

    I'm still disappointed the Wyle E. Coyote cartoon where Bugs replaced the Road Runner didn't make it to disc. Of course, that's a smaller disappointment compared to the fact that there were only about 300 shorts released then nothing else. Even Sony got the entire Stooges output released. And...