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  1. Timothy E

    Disney+ The Mandalorian

    Episode V - The Gunslinger Spoiler alert: “We DO serve their kind in here!” It is nice that droids are being given equal rights in the same cantina from which R2 and 3PO were ejected just a few years earlier in A New Hope. It must be one of the changes heralded by the fall of the Empire.
  2. Timothy E

    Disney+ The Mandalorian

    Something I have always loved about Star Wars is how it pays homage to and resonates themes and ideas of other classic films. Favreau clearly understands this as The Mandalorian gives us stories that evoke Lone Wolf and Cub and The Magnificent Seven, among other films, as opposed to simply...
  3. Timothy E

    Disney+ The Mandalorian

    I admit that I was thrown off initially by the shorter episode length of the second and third episodes, compared to the first episode. I loved the first one, so I felt cheated initially when the second episode was barely a half hour in length. Now that I have seen the second and third...
  4. Timothy E

    Disney+ The Mandalorian

    Let us give due credit to Favreau, Filoni, Kennedy, and everyone else responsible for this excellent series!