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    Disney+ The Mandalorian

    that I can agree with
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    Disney+ The Mandalorian

    just saying if I had my druthers is all
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    Disney+ The Mandalorian

    yes but viewing habits of yesteryear are not the world we live in today either. Not talking weeks or months here, but just a small buffer
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    Disney+ The Mandalorian

    would be nice if the media would give like 24 before broadcasting the spoilers in unavoidable manners
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    Disney+ The Mandalorian

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    Disney+ The Mandalorian

    i assume you wouldn’t be really trying to shame someone for remarking on the weight gain of a fictional character, would you.
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    Disney+ The Mandalorian

    Great ending. Couple of thoughts also was anyone else reminded of Maximillian from The Black Hole when they showed the dark troopers?
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    Disney+ The Mandalorian

    yeah I felt that too, and I haven’t even seen the movie
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    Disney+ The Mandalorian

    I don’t really see Fett as a good or bad guy. He just serves his interests
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    Disney+ The Mandalorian

    apparently the mob is already pissed of at Dawson for........something. And I wouldn’t be surprised to see Carano killed off 1st episode next season
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    Disney+ The Mandalorian

    forgive me if I’m late to the party on this, but aren’t we talking about a being that in terms of development is barely past being an infant and people are outraged it ate something it wasn’t supposed to
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    Disney+ The Mandalorian

    of course I considered that, but might have been slightly more clever if not shown from the exact same angle as ROTJ
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    Disney+ The Mandalorian

    I guess olyphant is the go to guy anytime you need a sherif/Marshall etc. Not bad, didn’t do much to advance the overall story, but that’s ok. I did notice the sound of the Krayt used the ”Original” audio (or at least one of the earlier versions before Lucas rejiggered it for the latest ANH...
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    Disney+ The Mandalorian

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    Disney+ The Mandalorian

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    Disney+ The Mandalorian

    I think it depends on the show. I remember trying to watch Orange is the new Black and thinking “if you had to wait a week for the new episode it wouldn’t have lasted 3 episodes”
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    Disney+ The Mandalorian

    i can’t imagine Baby Yoda going away anytime soon at this point. I’m actually flabbergasted that Disney allowed a halt on the Baby Yoda merch (especially at holiday season) to avoid spoilers.
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    Disney+ The Mandalorian

    Going by that, it seems that Theepio wasn’t entirely wrong about the Jawas.
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    Disney+ The Mandalorian

    I was kind of taken out of things a bit by fish man having human looking teeth. Looked odd to me.