Search results

  1. Chris Will

    Cats (2019)

    Some of the songs are just a lot of fun IMO, even if the plot isn’t that great. “Mungojerrie and Rumpleteaver”, “Skimbleshanks” and “Mr. Mistofelees” have always been fun song and I thought they were fun in this movies as well. My favorite songs from the show, “Macavity”, was also done really...
  2. Chris Will

    Cats (2019)

    I saw this the other night and, I rather enjoyed it. It’s no worse than the broadway show. Well maybe a little but the show has never been high on my list. I’ve always enjoyed a number of the songs though and the music was done very well in the movie. Honestly, the “costumes” effects didn’t...
  3. Chris Will

    Cats (2019)

    I don't know, it has climbed up to 19% on RT so maybe the alcohol has helped a little.
  4. Chris Will

    Cats (2019)

    The comedy bits in the trailer were horrible. Why does Corden need a Corden moment? Why does Rebel Wilson need to do slapstick? I just rolled my eyes at those moments. I've never seen the show but, I enjoy the album. The trailer is not convincing me that I want to spend a few hours of my...
  5. Chris Will

    Cats (2019)

    Which is a shame, I would buy so many shows if they got released. Once they close on Broadway they should release them so we can continue to enjoy them. I really don’t think it would effect tours or revivals as much as they fear.
  6. Chris Will

    Cats (2019)

    I thought it looked fascinating and I’m not even a huge fan of the show. I’m not sure what people were expecting, something more like the new Lion King. IMO, that would look ridiculous and, at least this way the actors can poor some emotion into the film. Memory made be the shows most popular...
  7. Chris Will

    Cats (2019)

    After that inside look video and them mentioning realistic digital fur, I wonder if this is going to be similar to the new Planet of the Apes movies. Make them look like realistic cats that walk upright. I’ve never been a Cats fan even though I enjoy many ALW shows. I’ll go see it because I’ll...
  8. Chris Will

    Cats (2019)

    I am not a Cats fan. I like some of the songs but overall, the show bores me. Of all the Webber musicals that haven’t Ben made into a movie yet, Cats is the least interesting IMO, well, and his bad Phantom sequel. I’d love to see Sunset Blvd. made into a movie. Yes, of course the musical is...