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  1. ponset

    Stargirl (DC Universe/The CW)

    Base on this image, it looks like Mr. Bones. Maybe DK/UH was upset that Mr. Bones got involved. Seems we will never know for sure.
  2. ponset

    Stargirl (DC Universe/The CW)

    WOW, Shocking twist. Also a CONGO BILL reference. Also CONGO BILL had a movie serial.
  3. ponset

    Stargirl (DC Universe/The CW)

    Tonight's ending scene. YEAH! Loving seeing this villain. Always been a favorite. SUCKS this series has been canceled. :angry:
  4. ponset

    Stargirl (DC Universe/The CW)

    Lea Thompson directed the latest episode. Up to about the 40 minute mark, it felt the show was treading water, covering the same ground. Then we got a WOWZER of a fight between Wildcat and Shiv with Hourman thrown in. Sylvester mentions his sister again. Wish we could get a flashback of...
  5. ponset

    Stargirl (DC Universe/The CW)

    Nice seeing Dr. McNider again. Sylvester name drops "Ted Knight". Wish they would speed up this mystery a bit. On a related note Brec Bassinger and Geoff Johns are up in Toronto visiting the TITANS set. Crossover?
  6. ponset

    Stargirl (DC Universe/The CW)

    Great to have this show back. So many good things happen in episode 1 of Season 3. 'A' Sly and Pat flying together. Courtney is very trusting. The Crocks as intense neighbors. Artemis showing the skills. The Gambler Returns. His former team mates don't care much about him. He is looking for...
  7. ponset

    Stargirl (DC Universe/The CW)

    Bit of news about Season 3. Bassinger says this will be a murder mystery. Seth Green is replacing Jim Gaffigan as the voice of THUNDERBOLT.
  8. ponset

    Stargirl (DC Universe/The CW)

    Brec dressed up as WILDCAT. Wonder if she did this fun or for some reason she appears in the Wildcat costume during season 3. Either way she looks good.
  9. ponset

    Stargirl (DC Universe/The CW)

    They did a nice job wrapping up the Eclipso story and setting up Season 3. I am concern that the cast is getting too big. Article on the visual effects for THUNDERBOLT.
  10. ponset

    Stargirl (DC Universe/The CW)

    Alex Collins has replaced Henry Thomas as Charles McNider aka Dr. Mid-Nite. No reason that I could find why this has happen. I did come across this interview with Collins.
  11. ponset

    Stargirl (DC Universe/The CW)

    Starman and Wildcat sure treat Pat like dirt. :( Glad Jay sticks for Pat. Wish theJustice Society flashbacks was longer. Maybe next season, as I see Joel McHale will be a regular.
  12. ponset

    Stargirl (DC Universe/The CW)

    The Next episode is one I have been waiting, The Original JSA.
  13. ponset

    Stargirl (DC Universe/The CW)

    That last episode was well done. Long fight between the ISA and the JSA. Eclipso finally revealing himself. The Shade looking very dapper. CW released a Summer School Poster. SWEET!
  14. ponset

    Stargirl (DC Universe/The CW)

    Seeing JOHNNY THUNDER and WILDCAT in the flashback made me day. Ethan Embry played Johnny. Brian Stepf played Ted Grant. Unable to find a photo of Wildcat. :(
  15. ponset

    Stargirl (DC Universe/The CW)

    Low-Key but an enjoyable start to season 2. Only part of disinterest for me was the scenes between Pat and Zeke. Lots of Easter Eggs, this blog has quite a list.
  16. ponset

    Stargirl (DC Universe/The CW)

    New Poster.
  17. ponset

    Stargirl (DC Universe/The CW)

    BTS scene photo of STRIPE. Brec Selfie. Season 2 photo.
  18. ponset

    Stargirl (DC Universe/The CW)

    That was my favorite part, Pat explaining the 7 Soldiers to Courtney.
  19. ponset

    Stargirl (DC Universe/The CW)

    Interesting. Hourman and Dr. Midnight were introduced together just like they were in the comics, INFINITY INC. #21. I wish Beth was wearing her comic book uniform on the show instead of Charles McNider old costume.
  20. ponset

    Stargirl (DC Universe/The CW)

    Courtney and Pat were well cast. Fun opening episode. I suspect the JSA aren't dead except for StarMan aka Star Spangled Kid(I was pleased they didn't discard this part of Sylvester Pemberton history.). The Star Rocket Racer was cool as was STRIPE.