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  1. Sean Bryan

    Disney+ Loki (2021)

    Well, you don’t have to have read the comics to know what’s coming. I mean, not specifics but a general direction. Unlike with the “Infinity Saga”, Marvel Studios has told us from the start that this is the “Multiverse Saga”and Loki (season 1 finale and basically all of season 2) has been...
  2. Sean Bryan

    Disney+ Loki (2021)

    It certainly would be if that were the case, but of course it won’t be. This positions him to have somewhat of a key role in Secret Wars.
  3. Sean Bryan

    Disney+ Loki (2021)

    In The Multiverse of Madness, they referred to “our” Universe as 616.
  4. Sean Bryan

    Disney+ Loki (2021)

    Also, I always loved “A Fifth of Beethoven” and its use here was perfect.
  5. Sean Bryan

    Disney+ Loki (2021)

    Loved it. What a fantastic finale! This show has been great.
  6. Sean Bryan

    Disney+ Loki (2021)

    See my post just above. It’s McDonald’s and it’s part of the story.
  7. Sean Bryan

    Disney+ Loki (2021)

    McDonald’s is a real place. I get more pulled out of things when they create fake brands because they don’t want to use a real product. Just found these statements regarding McDonald’s: According to executive producer Kevin Wright, however, Sylvie at a McDonald’s was a plot point created for...
  8. Sean Bryan

    Disney+ Loki (2021)

    I also think I’m going to like what they are doing with Silvi, if I’m reading what they are doing correctly. This is someone that had her life ripped away from her as a child and has been on the run ever since. She hasn’t had a sense of normalcy and family in forever. So now she’s in a...
  9. Sean Bryan

    Disney+ Loki (2021)

    At the end of season 1, I initially assumed that Loki arrived in one of the newly branched timelines created when the multiverse was reborn. But that was somewhat confusing because I thought the TVA was outside of the time line, so I wouldn’t have thought each universe would have its own TVA. I...
  10. Sean Bryan

    Disney+ Loki (2021)

    Yes, it was super grainy. I sometimes like the look of a fine grain in movies and shows compared to the super clean look of modern Marvel stuff. However, the downside is that grainy stuff can mess with the quality of streamed content. Whether it is the compression on their end or network...
  11. Sean Bryan

    Disney+ Loki (2021)

    Agreed. I found it immensely fun and entertaining. Seems so many shows that end a season on cliffhanger start the new season after some time has passed, with the cliffhanger having been resolved offscreen, and a new status quo in effect that then needs to be explained to the viewer over time...
  12. Sean Bryan

    Disney+ Loki (2021)

    Yeah, the second season of Loki seems most likely to be a spring/summer 2023 release.
  13. Sean Bryan

    Disney+ Loki (2021)

    I’m sure Feige and friends have a general idea of where they think they want the story to go, but from comments I’ve read it’s not all laid out yet. And this is a quote from an interview with Tom Hiddleston: "I am so grateful that we got to do Season 1, I still am not quite able to process...
  14. Sean Bryan

    Disney+ Loki (2021)

    I agree that we are likely to see Though regarding Skrulls, it think it’ll be simpler. Let me ask you this, are humans in the MCU good or bad? Of course the answer is both and everything in between. So I think the simplest way to look at Skrulls is that the group we saw in Captain Marvel were...
  15. Sean Bryan

    Disney+ Loki (2021)

    I’d hope for next year as well, but I think the best case scenario for 2022 would have to be late in the year if they are just in the process of breaking the story now. I think the timeline for the production of these series will be closer to what we see with films than with typical TV series...
  16. Sean Bryan

    Disney+ Loki (2021)

    Great season finale! I loved this series. Definitely my favorite of the three MCU Disney+ shows, though I’ve enjoyed them all.
  17. Sean Bryan

    Disney+ Loki (2021)

    I’m loving this show! I‘ve enjoyed all three Disney+ series, but this has been my favorite by far. Here’s hoping for a great conclusion next week.
  18. Sean Bryan

    Disney+ Loki (2021)

    I‘d bet on it being a Loki variant or Kang. It seems more likely that he/she/they would be an extension of story elements already introduced rather than a new unknown character, so I’m leaning toward a Loki variant. If it isn’t Kang, I wouldn’t be surprised if he is in some way teased, like...
  19. Sean Bryan

    Disney+ Loki (2021)

    Just watch the episode. It’s all explained very clearly.
  20. Sean Bryan

    Disney+ Loki (2021)

    umm, she already did.
  21. Sean Bryan

    Disney+ Loki (2021)

    GLORIOUS I loved it!
  22. Sean Bryan

    Disney+ Loki (2021)

    I don’t think it’ll be too difficult for me. I’ll handle it the same as when a big movie opens on a Wednesday or Thursday but I don’t see it until Friday or Saturday. I’m not a fan of social media, so I’m not concerned about stuff leaking there. And I’m fine with treading cautiously at places...
  23. Sean Bryan

    Disney+ Loki (2021)

    I’ll likely still be waiting until Friday nights to watch, but moving away from Fridays for release makes sense because of the shift back to more new movies coming out on Fridays as we move through Spring into Summer.
  24. Sean Bryan

    Disney+ Loki (2021)

    Looks really cool!
  25. Sean Bryan

    Disney+ Loki (2021)

    A little info on the TVA from the comics. So just an idea of what they may be adapting with this. Even though it is just comics history, I’ll spoilerize.
  26. Sean Bryan

    Disney+ Loki (2021)

    So, in the stained glass... Mephisto?
  27. Sean Bryan

    Disney+ Loki (2021)

    I don’t think this has its own thread yet, but it should have it now with the first trailer. This looks damn cool. The Time Variance Authority looks interesting.